Aelije Galen ili Klaudije Galen (grčki: Κλαύδιος Γαληνός; septembar 129 – c. 200 / c. 216), češto anglicizmički Galen ili poznatiji kao Galen iz Pergama,[1] bio je poznati grčki lekar i filozof u rimskom carstvu.[2][3][4] Jedan je od najuspešnijih medicinskih instraživača iz antike, koji je uticao na razvoj različitih naučnih disciplina, uključijući anatomiju,[5] fiziologiju, patologiju,[6] farmakologiju[7] i neurologiju, kao i filozofiju[8] i logiku.
Galen iz Pergama | |
Rođenje | septembar 129. Pergam |
Smrt | Šablon:C. 210 |
Nacionalnost | Grk |
Zanimanje | Filozofija |
Na Galenovo razumevanje anatomije i medicine primarno je uticala tadašnja teorija humora (poznatog i kao četiri humora – crni žuč, žuti žuč, krv i flegm), kao što su napredovali stari grčki lekari poput Hipokrata. NJegove teorije su imale veliki uticaj na zapadnu medicinu više od 1.300 godina. Galenov opis anatomske građe zasnivao se na seciranju majmuna, a posebno berberskih makaka i svinja, jer seciranje ljudi nije bilo dopušteno u njegovo doba. Ipak, niko ga nije nadmašilo sve do štampanih opisa i ilustracija ljudske anatomije koje je napravio Andreas Vezalijus u svom delu De humani corporis fabrica u 1543,[9][10] gde je Galenova fiziološka teorija primenjena na ova nova opažanja.[11] Galenova teorija fiziologije cirkulativnog sistema ostala je neosporna do 1221. godine, kada je Ibn al-Nafis objavio svoju enciklopediju medicine pod nazivom As-Shamil fi Tibb, u kojoj je prijavio otkriće plućne cirkulacije.[12]
Galen je sebe video kao lekara i filozofa, kako je napisao u njegovom delu pod naslovom Najbolji lekar je takođe i filozof.[13][14][15] Galen je bio veoma zainteresovan za debatu između racionalističkih i empiricističkih medicinskih sekti,[16] i njegova primena neposrednog posmatranja, seciranja i vivisekcije u obuci studenata smatra se kombinacijom različitih pristupa.[17][18][19] Zbog toga se njegovo objašnjenje pojma bolesti naziva sintetička koncepcija bolesti.[20] Mnoga od njegovih dela su sačuvani i / ili prevedena sa originalnog grčkog jezika, mada su mnoga uništena i neka koja mu se pripisuju smatraju se lažnim. Iako postoji debata o datumu njegove smrti, on nije bio mlađi od sedamdeset godina kada je umro.
U srednjovekovnoj Evropi Galenove spise o anatomiji postale su nosilac univerzitetskog kurikuluma srednjovekovnog lekara, ali zbog propasti Zapadnog rimskog carstva oni su veoma pretrpeli zastoj i intelektualnu stagnaciju. Međutim, u Istočnom rimskom carstvu i Abasidskom kalifatu nastavili su da se proučavaju i prate. Neke Galenove zamisli nisu bile su tačne: on nije secirao ljudsko telo.[21] Grčki i rimski tabui značili su da je seciranje obično zabranjeni u starim vremenima, ali se u srednjem veku to promenilo: medicinski nastavnici i učenici u Bolonji su počeli da seciraju ljudska tela, a Mondino de Luzi (oko 1275–1326) je napravila prvi poznati udžbenik anatomije zasnovan na ljudskom seciranju.[22][23]
Galenov opis rada srca, arterija i vena održao se sve do 1628, kada je Vilijam Harvi opisao krvotok sa srcem kao pogonskom pumpom.[24] Galen je izvršio brojne eksperimente sa podvezivanjem živaca kako bi potkrepio teoriju, koja važi i danas, da mozak upravlja svim pokretima mišića preko centralnog i perifernog nervnog sistema.[25]
Galenovi originalni grčki tekstovi su u ranom modernom periodu postali obnovljeni. Tokom 1530-ih belgijski anatomist i lekar Andreas Vezalijus preuzeo je projekat da prevede Galenove grčke tekstove na latinski. Najslavnije delo Vezalijusa, De humani corporis fabrica, bio je pod velikim uticajem Galenskog pisma i oblika.[26]
Rani život 129–161.
urediGalenovo ime Γαληνός, Galēnos potiče od prideva γαληνός — „mirno”.[27]
Galen opisuje svoj rani život u delu „Na osećanja uma”. Rođen je u septembru 129;[28] njegov otac, Aelius Nikon, bio je imućan plemić, arhitekta i graditelj, sa eklektičnim interesima, uključujući filozofiju, matematiku, logiku, astronomiju, poljoprivredu i književnost. Galen opisuje svog oca kao „vrlo društvenog, pravednog, dobrog i blagonaklonog čoveka”. U to vreme Pergam (savremena Bergama, Turska) bio je glavni kulturni i intelektualni centar, koji je zabeležen po svojoj biblioteci (druga biblioteka je u Aleksandriji),[6][29] koji je privukao filozofe Stoika i Platona, kojima je Galen bio izložen u 14 godini. NJegove studije su prikazale svaki od glavnih filozofskih sistema tog vremena, uključujući Aristotelski i Epikurejski. NJegov otac je planirao tradicionalnu karijeru za Galena u filozofiji ili politici i vodio je računa da ga izloži književnim i filozofskim uticajima. Međutim, Galen navodi da je oko 145. godine njegov otac imao san u kome se pojavio bog Asklepije i naredio Nikonu da pošalje svog sina na studije medicine. Nakon njegovog ranijeg liberalnog obrazovanja, u 16 časova počeo je studije u prestižnom lokalnom svetilištu ili Asklepijeumu posvećenom Asklepiju, bogu medicine, kao θεραπευτής (terapeuti ili poslužitelj) tokom četiri godine. Tamo je došao uticajem ljudi nalik Ešrion Pergamona, Stratonikusa i Satirusa. Asklepijea je funkcionisala kao banja ili sanitarija na koju bi bolesni došli da traže usluge sveštenstva. Rimljani su često posećivali hram u Pergamu u potrazi za medicinskom pomoću od bolesti i oboljenja. To je bio i progon poznatih osoba kao što je Klaudius Čaraks (istoričar), Aelius Aristida (govornik), Polemon i Kaspius Rafinus Konzul.[4]
uredi- ↑ „Galen (Definition and Meaning)” (en). Pristupljeno 7. 3. 2018.
- ↑ Stone, Potter David; J., Mattingly, D. (1999). Life, death, and entertainment in the Roman Empire. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. ISBN 0472085689. OCLC 39981348.
- ↑ Peter, Brain (1986). Galen on bloodletting: A study of the origins, development, and validity of his opinions, with a translation of the three works. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521320852. OCLC 12724204.
- ↑ 4,0 4,1 Nutton, Vivian (1973). „The Chronology of Galen's Early Career” (en). The Classical Quarterly 23 (1): 158–171. DOI:10.1017/s0009838800036600. ISSN 1471-6844.
- ↑ „Galen on the affected parts. Translation from the Greek text with explanatory notes”. Med Hist 21 (2): 212. DOI:10.1017/s0025727300037935. PMC 1081972.
- ↑ 6,0 6,1 Arthur John Brock (translator), Introduction. Galen. On the Natural Faculties. Edinburgh 1916
- ↑ Debru, Armelle (1997) (fr). Galen on Pharmacology: Philosophy, History, and Medicine : Proceedings of the Vth International Galen Colloquium, Lille, 16-18 March 1995. BRILL. ISBN 9004104038.
- ↑ Rocca, Dr Julius (16. 1. 2003). Galen on the Brain: Anatomical Knowledge and Physiological Speculation in the Second Century Ad (1. izd.). Leiden: Brill. ISBN 9789004125124.
- ↑ O'Malley, Charles Donald (1964). Andreas Vesalius of Brussels, 1514-1564. University of California Press. GGKEY:ZJZ6NKBQQ2U.
- ↑ Andreas, Vesalius (1543). De humani corporis fabrica, Libri VII. Basel, Switzerland: Johannes Oporinus. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2016-09-01. Pristupljeno 7. 8. 2010.
- ↑ Siraisi, Nancy G (1991) Girolamo Cardano and the Art of Medical Narrative, Journal of the History of Ideas. pp. 587–88.
- ↑ Abdel-Halim, Rabie E. (2008). „Contributions of Ibn Al-Nafis (1210–1288 AD) to the progress of medicine and urology. A study and translations from his medical works”. Saudi Medical Journal 29 (1): 13–22. Pristupljeno 24. 2. 2018.
- ↑ Claudii Galeni Pergameni (1992). Odysseas Hatzopoulos. ur. "That the best physician is also a philosopher" with a Modern Greek Translation. Athens, Greece: Odysseas Hatzopoulos & Company: Kaktos Editions.
- ↑ Theodore J., Drizis (2008). „Medical ethics in a writing of Galen”. Acta Med Hist Adriat 6 (2): 333–336. PMID 20102254. Pristupljeno 7. 8. 2010.
- ↑ Brian, P (1977). Galen on the ideal of the physician, South Africa Medical Journal, 52: 936–938 pdf Arhivirano 2021-02-24 na Wayback Machine-u
- ↑ Frede, M; Walzer, R. (1985). Three Treatises on the Nature of Science, Indianapolis: Hacket.
- ↑ De Lacy P (1972). „Galen's Platonism”. American Journal of Philosophy 1972: 27–39. DOI:10.2307/292898.
- ↑ Cosans C (1997). „Galen's Critique of Rationalist and Empiricist Anatomy”. Journal of the History of Biology 30: 35–54. DOI:10.1023/a:1004266427468. PMID 11618979.
- ↑ Cosans C (1998). „The Experimental Foundations of Galen's Teleology”. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 29: 63–80. DOI:10.1016/s0039-3681(96)00005-2.
- ↑ Jovan Maksimović: Uvod u medicinu sa teorijom medicine, Novi Sad 2001.
- ↑ Faith Wallis (2010). Medieval Medicine: A Reader. str. 14, 26, 222.
- ↑ Numbers, Ronald (2009). Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and Religion. Harvard University Press. str. 45. ISBN 978- 0- 674- 03327- 6.
- ↑ „Debunking a Myth” (en). Harvard Gazette. 7. 4. 2011. Pristupljeno 7. 3. 2018.
- ↑ Furley, D, i J. Wilkie, 1984, Galen On Respiration and the Arteries, Princeton University Press, te Bylebyl, J (ur.), 1979, William Harvey and His Age, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press
- ↑ Frampton, M (2008). Embodiments of Will: Anatomical and Physiological Theories of Voluntary Animal Motionfrom Greek Antiquity to the Latin Middle Ages, 400 B.C.–A.D. 1300, Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag. str. 180—323
- ↑ Peter Dear, Revolutionizing the Sciences: European Knowledge and Its Ambitions, 1500–1700. (2001), 37–39.
- ↑ „A Greek-English Lexicon”. Pristupljeno 7. 3. 2018.
- ↑ Nutton Vivian (1973). „The Chronology of Galen's Early Career”. Classical Quarterly 23 (1): 158–171. DOI:10.1017/S0009838800036600. PMID 11624046.
- ↑ Metzger, Bruce Manning (1980). New Testament studies: Philological, Versional, and Patristic. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 9004061630. OCLC 7113164.
uredi- O'Malley, Charles Donald (1964). Andreas Vesalius of Brussels, 1514-1564. University of California Press. GGKEY:ZJZ6NKBQQ2U.
- Algra K (ed.) The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, 2005. ISBN 0-521-25028-5, ISBN 978-0-521-25028-3
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- Boylen M. Galen. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Brodersen K. Galenos, Die verbrannte Bibliothek: Peri Alypias. Marix, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-7374-0962-9
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- French RK. Medicine Before Science: The Rational and Learned Doctor from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment. Cambridge University Press, 2003. ISBN 0-521-00761-5, ISBN 978-0-521-00761-0
- Gleason MW. Shock and Awe: The Performance Dimension of Galen’s Anatomy Demonstrations. Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics January 2007
- Gleason MW. Making Men: Sophists and Self-Presentation in Ancient Rome. Princeton 1995
- Hankinson RJ (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Galen. CUP 2008 ISBN 978-0-521-81954-1
- Hankinson R.J. Cause and explanation in ancient Greek thought. Oxford University Press, 1998 ISBN 0-19-924656-4, ISBN 978-0-19-924656-4
- Johannes Ilberg. "Aus Galens Praxis. Neue Jahrbücher für das Klassische Altertum", Geschichte und Deutsche Literatur 15: 276–312, 1905
- Hakim Syed Zillur Rahman (ed.). Jawami Kitab Al-Nabd Al-Saghir by Galen (2007), Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine & Sciences, Aligarh, India; ISBN 978-81-901362-7-3
- Hakim Syed Zillur Rahman (ed.). Kitab fi Firaq al Tibb by Galen (2008), Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine & Sciences, Aligarh, India; ISBN 978-81-906070-1-8
- Hakim Syed Zillur Rahman (ed.). Kitab al Anasir by Galen (2008), Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine & Sciences, Aligarh, India; ISBN 978-81-906070-2-5
- Hakim Syed Zillur Rahman (ed.). Kitab al Mizaj of Galen (2008), Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine & Sciences, Aligarh, India; ISBN 978-81-906070-3-2
- Kotrc RF, Walters KR. "A bibliography of the Galenic Corpus. A newly researched list and arrangement of the titles of the treatises extant in Greek, Latin, and Arabic". Trans Stud Coll Physicians Phila. 1979 December;1(4):256–304
- Mattern SP. Physicians and the Roman Imperial Aristocracy: The Patronage of Therapeutics. Bulletin of the History of Medicine. Volume 73, Number 1, Spring 1999, pp. 1–18
- Metzger BM. New Testament Studies: Philological, Versional, and Patristic. BRILL 1980 ISBN 90-04-06163-0, ISBN 978-90-04-06163-7
- Muhaqqiq M. Medical Sects in Islam. al-Tawhid Islamic Journal, vol. VIII, No.2
- Nutton V. "Roman Medicine, 250 BC to AD 200, and Medicine in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages", in Lawrence C.(ed.) The Western Medical Tradition: 800–1800 A.D. 1995
- Nutton V. Ancient Medicine. Routledge, 2004 ISBN 0-415-08611-6, ISBN 978-0-415-08611-0
- Osler W. The Evolution of Modern Medicine 1913. Plain Label Books 1987. Chapter II: Greek Medicine
- Peterson DW. "Observations on the chronology of the Galenic Corpus". Bull Hist Med 51(3): 484, 1977
- Siegel RE. Galen's System of Physiology and Medicine, Basel 1968 (this text is not regarded highly by most Galen scholars)
- Siegel RE. Galen on Sense Perception, His Doctrines, Observations and Experiments on Vision, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch and Pain, and Their Historical Sources. Karger, Basel 1970 (this text is not regarded highly by most Galen scholars)
- Siegel RE. Galen on Psychology, Psychopathology, and Function and Diseases of the Nervous System 1973 (this text is not regarded highly by most Galen scholars)
- Smith WG. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. J Walton 1849
- Stakelum JW, Galen and the Logic of Proposition, Rome, Angelicum, 1940
- Taylor HO. Greek Biology And Medicine. Marshall Jones 1922. Chapter 5: The Final System – Galen
- Temkin O. Galenism: Rise and Decline of a Medical Philosophy. Cornell University Press, Ithaca 1973
- The Cambridge Ancient History: Second Edition. XI The High Empire A.D. 70–192 Cambridge University Press, 2000 ISBN 0-521-26335-2, ISBN 978-0-521-26335-1
- Thesaurus Linguae Graecae: TLG
- van der Eijk P. Medicine and Philosophy in Classical Antiquity: Doctors and Philosophers on Nature, Soul, Health and Disease. Cambridge University Press, 2005 ISBN 0-521-81800-1, ISBN 978-0-521-81800-1
- Watson PB. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Harper & brothers, 1884
- Gilbert, N W. (1960). Renaissance Concepts of Method. New York: Columbia University Press.
- C. Gill, T. Whitmarsh, and J. Wilkins (eds), Galen and the World of Knowledge (New York and Cambridge, 2009) (Greek Cultures in the Roman World).
- Kudlien, Fridolf; Durling, Richard J., ur. (1991). Galen's method of healing : proceedings of the 1982 Galen Symposium. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 90-04-09272-2.
- Lloyd, G.E.R. (1991). Methods and problems in Greek science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-37419-7.
- Mattern, Susan P. (2013). The Prince of Medicine: Galen in the Roman Empire., a standardscholarly biography
- Sarton, George (1954). Galen of Pergamon. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press.
Primarni izvori
uredi- Brock, Arthur John (1929). Greek Medicine, Being Extracts Illustrative of Medical Writers from Hippocrates to Galen. London: Dent.
- Galen (1991). On the therapeutic method. R.J. Hankinson, trans. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-824494-0.
- Walzer, Richard (1949). Galen on Jews and Christians. London: Oxford University Press.
uredi- Garcia Ballester, Luis. 2002. Galen and Galenism. Theory and Medical Practice from Antiquity to the European Renaissance. Collected Studies Series 710. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Variorum.
- Gilbert, N. Ward. 1960. Renaissance Concepts of Method. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Gill, Christopher, Tim Whitmarsh, and John Wilkins, eds. 2012. Galen and the World of Knowledge. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
- Kudlien, Fridolf, and Richard J Durling. 1991. Galen's Method of Healing: Proceedings of the 1982 Galen Symposium. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
- Lloyd, G. E. R. 1991. Methods and Problems in Greek Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Mattern, Susan P. 2013. The Prince of Medicine: Galen In the Roman Empire. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Nutton, Vivian. 2004. Ancient Medicine. London and New York: Routledge.
- Rocca, Julius. 2003. Galen on the Brain: Anatomical Knowledge and Physiological Speculation in the Second Century A.D. Studies in Ancient Medicine 26. Leiden, The Netherlands, and Boston: Brill.
- Rosen, Ralph M. 2013. “Galen on Poetic Testimony” In Writing Science: Medical and Mathematical Authorship in Ancient Greece. Edited by M. Asper, 177-189. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Rosen, Ralph M. 2013. “Galen, Plato, and the Physiology of Eros." In Eros Edited by E. Sanders, C. Carey and N. Lowe, 111-27. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Sarton, George. 1954. Galen of Pergamon. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press.
- Walzer, Richard. 1949. Galen On Jews and Christians. London: Oxford University Press.
Vanjske veze
uredi- Djela čiji je autor Galen na Projektu Gutenberg
- Works by or about Galen at Internet Archive
- Works by or about Claudius Galenus at Internet Archive
- Galen entry in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy* Classicsindex: Galen Arhivirano 2008-12-24 na Wayback Machine-u
- Corpus Medicorum Graecorum editions online
- Gerhard Fichtner, Galen bibliography Arhivirano 2012-07-12 na Wayback Machine-u
- University of Virginia: Health Sciences Library. Galen Arhivirano 2007-12-10 na Wayback Machine-u
- Channel 4 – History – Ancient surgery
- Lienhard JH. Engines of our Ingenuity, Number 2097 – Constantine the African
- Nutton V. Galen of Pergamum, Encyclopædia Britannica
- Pearcy L. Galen: A biographical sketch. Medicina Antiqua
- Taylor HO. Greek Biology and Medicine 1922: Chapter 5 – "The Final System: Galen"
- Galenus von Pergamon – Leben und Werk. Includes alphabetical list of Latin Titles
- Galien's works Arhivirano 2015-09-23 na Wayback Machine-u
- Galeni opera varia – Mscr.Dresd.Db.93
- Hypertexts – Medicina Antiqua, University College London
- Michael Servetus Research Arhivirano 2012-11-13 na Wayback Machine-u
- Discussion of Galens on BBC Radio 4's programme "In Our Time".
- Digital edition: Galeni septima Classis (1550)