Encyclopædia Britannica
(Preusmjereno sa stranice Enciklopedija Britanika)
Encyclopædia Britannica (lat., [ent͡sikloˈpeːdia briˈtanːika]; sh. Enciklopedija Britanika, engl. British Encyclopaedia = "Britanska enciklopedija"), sveobuhvatna enciklopedija nastala na engleskom jeziku. Vlasnik enciklopedije je kompanija Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. (engl.; sh. Enciklopedija Britanika).[1]

Prvo izdanje je izlazilo u periodu 1768–1771. i imalo je 3 toma. Najnovije je petnaesto izdanje ove enciklopedije koje izlazi od 1985. i sadrži 32 toma. Zadnji put je izdata 2002. godine i ima 65.000 članaka. Verzija za internet Britannica Online (engl.; sh. Britanika Onlajn) ima 120.000 članaka.[2]
U skorije vreme enciklopedija Britannica se izdaje i na CD, odnosno DVD diskovima.
- ↑ Bosman, Julie (13 March 2012). „After 244 Years, Encyclopædia Britannica Stops the Presses”. The New York Times. Pristupljeno 13 March 2012.
- ↑ Day, Peter (17 December 1997). „Encyclopaedia Britannica changes to survive”. BBC News. Pristupljeno 27 March 2007. »Sales plummeted from 100,000 a year to just 20,000.«
- Einbinder, Harvey (1964). The Myth of the Britannica. New York: Grove Press. ISBN 978-0-384-14050-9.
- Jacobs, Arnold Stephen, Jr. (2004). The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-0-7432-5062-7.
- Kister, Kenneth F. (1994). Kister's Best Encyclopedias: A Comparative Guide to General and Specialized Encyclopedias (2nd izd.). Phoenix, Arizona: Oryx Press. ISBN 978-0-89774-744-8.
- Kogan, Herman (1958). The Great EB: The Story of the Encyclopædia Britannica. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. LCCN 58008379.
- Lee, Timothy. Techdirt Interviews Britannica President Jorge Cauz, Techdirt.com, 2 June 2008
- Greenstein, Shane, and Michelle Devereux (2006). "The Crisis at Encyclopædia Britannica Arhivirano 2013-03-13 na Wayback Machine-u" case history, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.
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- Službeni veb-sajt
- 3rd edition (first volume, use search facility for others) at Bavarian State Library [1]
- 7th edition (1842), fulltext via Hathi Trust
- 8th edition (index volume, use search facility for others) at Bavarian State Library [2]
- 9th edition (1878+), fully scanned and partially transcribed at Wikisource
- 11th edition (1911), fully scanned and partially transcribed at Wikisource
- 12th edition (1922), fully scanned and partially transcribed at Wikisource