Civilizacija doline Inda
Civilizacija Doline Inda (cca. 3300–1300. pne., procvala 2600–1900. pne.) bila je drevna civilizacija duž rijeke Ind i rijeke Ghaggar-Hakra u Pakistanu i sjeverozapadnoj Indiji. Među drugim imenima za ovu civlizaciju koristi se Harappanska civilizacija, kao referenca na njen prvi iskopani grad Harappu.

Civilizacija Doline Inda (za koju se na engleskom jeziku koristi skraćenica IVC od Indus Valley Civilization) je otkrivena 1920ih te poznata jedino na temelju arheoloških iskapanja, s mogućim izuzetkom sumerskih spominjanja riječi Meluhha, za koju neki vjeruju da se odnosi na IVC.
Alternativni naziv za kulturi Saraswati-Sindhuska civilizacija, što se remlejni na činjenici da je većina nalazišta koja joj pripadaju pronađena na rijeci Hakra-Ghaggar.[1]
Stanovnici civilizacije Doline Inda se smatra mjesto gdje je nastao proto-Dravidski jezik.
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uredi- Basham, A.L., The Wonder That Was India, Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1967, p 11-14.
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- Dani, Ahmad Hassan, Short History of Pakistan, Book 1, 1984, University of Karachi.
- Gupta, S.P. (1996). The Indus-Saraswati Civilization : Origins, Problems and Issues. ISBN 81-85268-46-0.
- Gupta, S.P. (ed.). 1995. The lost Sarasvati and the Indus Civilisation. Kusumanjali Prakashan, Jodhpur.
- Kathiroli et al. 2004. "Recent Marine Archaeological Finds in Khambhat, Gujarat". Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology No 1, p. 141-149.
- Kenoyer, J. Mark. 1998. Ancient cities of the Indus Valley Civilisation. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-577940-1.
- Kenoyer, J. Mark (1991). „The Indus Valley tradition of Pakistan and Western India”. Journal of World Prehistory 5: 1-64.
- Lahiri, Nayanjot (editor) (2000). The Decline and Fall of the Indus Civilisation. ISBN 81-7530-034-5.
- Lal, B.B. (1998). India 1947-1997 : New Light on the Indus Civilization. ISBN 81-7305-129-1.
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- Mcintosh, Jane. 2002. A Peaceful realm. Boulder: Westview Press.
- Parpola, Asko (2005) "Study of the Indus Script", 50th ICES Tokyo Session, Tokyo, May 19, 2005
- Possehl, Gregory. 2002. The Indus Civilisation. Walnut Creek: Alta Mira Press.
- Rao, S.R. (1991). Dawn and Devolution of the Indus Civilisation. ISBN 81-85179-74-3.
- Shaffer, Jim G. (1995). Cultural tradition and Palaeoethnicity in South Asian Archaeology. In: Indo-Aryans of Ancient South Asia. Ed. George Erdosy.. ISBN 978-3-11-014447-5.
- Shaffer, Jim G. (1999). Migration, Philology and South Asian Archaeology. In: Aryan and Non-Aryan in South Asia. Ed. Bronkhorst and Deshpande.. ISBN 1-888789-04-2.
- Jim G. Shaffer. 1992. "The Indus Valley, Baluchistan and Helmand Traditions: Neolithic Through Bronze Age." In Chronologies in Old World Archaeology. Second Edition. R.W. Ehrich, (Ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. I:441-464, II:425-446.
[Divit khendry 2006 discovered Harrapa
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- Harrapa and Indus Valley Civilisation at
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