(Preusmjereno sa stranice Malvaceae)
Slezovke (Malvaceae), biljna porodica iz reda sljezolikih (Malvales), razred rosopsida. Porodica dobiva ime po rodu slezov, među kojima se po lekovitosti istiće Althaea officinalis.[2]
Malvaceae | |
Adansonia digitata, potporodica Bombacoideae | |
Naučna klasifikacija | |
Carstvo: | Plantae |
Divizija: | Magnoliophyta |
Razred: | Rosopsida |
Red: | Malvales |
Porodica: | Malvaceae Juss.[1] |
Neke vrste u poljoprivredi se smatraju korovom kao Abutilon theophrasti i Modiola caroliniana, dok su druge vrste važni poljoprivredni usevi, to su četiri vrste pamuka, kola-orah, kakao, Abelmoschus esculentus i Hibiscus cannabinus.
Porodici slezovki danas se pripisuju i neke biljke koje su pre imale rang porodica, to su: simalovke ili Bombacaceae, lipovke ili Tiliaceae, i lajničevke ili Sterculiaceae.
urediBombacoideae Burnett
- Adansonia L.
- Aguiaria Ducke
- Bernoullia Oliv.
- Bombacopsis Pittier
- Bombax L.
- Camptostemon Mast.
- Catostemma Benth.
- Cavanillesia Ruiz & Pav.
- Ceiba Mill.
- Chiranthodendron Larreat.
- Chorisia Kunth
- Eriotheca Schott & Endl.
- Fremontodendron Coville
- Gyranthera Pittier
- Huberodendron Ducke
- Lagunaria (DC.) Rchb.
- Matisia Bonpl.
- Neobuchia Urb.
- Ochroma Sw.
- Pachira Aubl.
- Patinoa Cuatrec.
- Pentaplaris L.O. Williams & Standl.
- Phragmotheca Cuatrec.
- Pseudobombax Dugand
- Quararibea Aubl.
- Rhodognaphalon (Ulbr.) Roberty
- Scleronema Benth.
- Septotheca Ulbr.
- Spirotheca Ulbr.
- Uladendron Marc.
Brownlowioideae Burret
- Berrya Roxb.
- Brownlowia Roxb.
- Carpodiptera Griseb.
- Christiana DC.
- Diplodiscus Turcz.
- Hainania Merr.
- Jarandersonia Kosterm.
- Pentace Hassk.
- Pityranthe Thwaites
Byttnerioideae Burnett
- Abroma Jacq.
- Ayenia L.
- Byttneria Loefl.
- Commersonia J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.
- Dicarpidium F. Muell.
- Gilesia F. Muell.
- Glossostemon Desf.
- Guazuma Mill.
- Guichenotia J. Gay
- Hannafordia F. Muell.
- Hermannia L.
- Herrania Goudot
- Keraudrenia J. Gay
- Kleinhovia L.
- Lasiopetalum Sm.
- Leptonychia Turcz.
- Lysiosepalum F. Muell.
- Maxwellia Baill.
- Megatritheca Cristobal
- Melochia L.
- Rayleya Cristobal
- Rulingia R. Br.
- Scaphopetalum Mast.
- Seringia J. Gay
- Theobroma L.
- Thomasia J. Gay
- Waltheria L.
Dombeyoideae Beilschmied
- Aethiocarpa Vollesen
- Astiria Lindl.
- Burretiodendron Rehder
- Cheirolaena Benth.
- Corchoropsis Siebold & Zucc.
- Dombeya Cav.
- Eriolaena DC.
- Harmsia K. Schum.
- Helmiopsiella Arenes
- Helmiopsis H. Perrier
- Melhania Forssk.
- Nesogordonia Baill.
- Paradombeya Stapf
- Paramelhania Arenes
- Pentapetes L.
- Pterospermum Schreb.
- Ruizia Cav.
- Schoutenia Korth.
- Sicrea (Pierre) Hallier f.
- Trochetia DC.
- Trochetiopsis Marais
Grewioideae Hochreutiner
- Ancistrocarpus Oliv.
- Apeiba Aubl.
- Clappertonia Meisn.
- Colona Cav.
- Corchorus L.
- Desplatsia Bocq.
- Duboscia Bocquet
- Eleutherostylis Burret
- Entelea R. Br.
- Erinocarpus Nimmo ex J. Graham
- Glyphaea Hook.f.
- Goethalsia Pittier
- Grewia L.
- Heliocarpus L.
- Hydrogaster Kuhlm.
- Luehea Willd.
- Lueheopsis Burret
- Microcos L.
- Mollia Mart.
- Pseudocorchorus Capuron
- Sparrmannia L.f.
- Tetralix Griseb.
- Trichospermum Blume
- Triumfetta L.
- Vasivaea Baill.
Helicteroideae Meisner
- Boschia Korth.
- Coelostegia Benth.
- Cullenia Wight
- Durio Adans.
- Helicteres L.
- Kostermansia Soegeng
- Mansonia J.R. Drumm. ex Prain
- Neesia Blume
- Neoregnellia Urb.
- Reevesia Lindl.
- Triplochiton K. Schum.
- Ungeria Schott & Endl.
Malvoideae Burnett
- Abelmoschus Medik.
- Abutilon Mill.
- Acaulimalva Krapov.
- Akrosida Fryxell & Fuertes
- Alcea L.
- Allosidastrum (Hochr.) Krapov., Fryxell & D.M. Bates
- Allowissadula D.M. Bates
- Althaea L.
- Alyogyne Alef.
- Anisodontea C. Presl
- Anoda Cav.
- Anotea (DC.) Kunth
- Asterotrichion Klotzsch
- Bakeridesia Hochr.
- Bastardia Kunth
- Bastardiastrum (Rose) D.M. Bates
- Bastardiopsis (K. Schum.) Hassl.
- Batesimalva Fryxell
- Billieturnera Fryxell
- Briquetia Hochr.
- Callirhoe Nutt.
- Calyculogygas Krapov.
- Calyptraemalva Krapov.
- Cenocentrum Gagnep.
- Cephalohibiscus Ulbr.
- Cienfuegosia Cav.
- Corynabutilon (K. Schum.) Kearney
- Cristaria Cav.
- Decaschistia Wight & Arn.
- Dendrosida Fryxell
- Dicellostyles Benth.
- Dirhamphis Krapov.
- Eremalche Greene
- Fioria Mattei
- Fryxellia D.M. Bates
- Fuertesimalva Fryxell
- Gaya Kunth
- Gossypioides Skovst. ex J.B. Hutch.
- Gossypium L. Vernakularni nazivi: pamuk, cotton
- Gynatrix Alef.
- Hampea Schltdl.
- Helicteropsis Hochr.
- Herissantia Medik.
- Hibiscadelphus Rock
- Hibiscus L.
- Hochreutinera Krapov.
- Hoheria A. Cunn.
- Horsfordia A. Gray
- Howittia F. Muell.
- Humbertianthus Hochr.
- Humbertiella Hochr.
- Iliamna Greene
- Julostylis Thwaites
- Jumelleanthus Hochr.
- Kearnemalvastrum D.M. Bates
- Kitaibelia Willd.
- Kokia Lewton
- Kosteletzkya C. Presl
- Krapovickasia Fryxell
- Kydia Roxb.
- Lavatera L.
- Lawrencia Hook.
- Lebronnecia Fosberg
- Lecanophora
- Macrostelia Hochr.
- Malachra L.
- Malacothamnus Greene
- Malope L.
- Malva L.
- Malvastrum A. Gray
- Malvaviscus Fabr.
- Malvella Jaub. & Spach
- Megistostegium Hochr.
- Meximalva Fryxell
- Modiola Moench
- Modiolastrum K. Schum.
- Monteiroa Krapov.
- Napaea L.
- Nayariophyton T.K. Paul
- Neobaclea Hochr.
- Neobrittonia Hochr.
- Nototriche Turcz.
- Palaua Cav.
- Papuodendron C.T. White
- Pavonia Cav.
- Peltaea (C. Presl) Standl.
- Periptera DC.
- Perrierophytum Hochr.
- Phragmocarpidium Krapov.
- Phymosia Desv.
- Plagianthus J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.
- Pseudabutilon R.E. Fr.
- Radyera Bullock
- Rhynchosida Fryxell
- Robinsonella Rose & Baker f.
- Rojasimalva Fryxell
- Senra Cav.
- Sida L.
- Sidalcea A. Gray
- Sidasodes Fryxell & Fuertes
- Sidastrum E.G. Baker
- Sphaeralcea A. St.-Hil.
- Symphyochlamys Gurke
- Talipariti Fryxell
- Tarasa Phil.
- Tetrasida Ulbr.
- Thespesia Sol. ex Correa
- Urena L.
- Wercklea Pittier & Standl.
- Wissadula Medik.
Sterculioideae Burnett
- Acropogon Schltr.
- Brachychiton Schott & Endl.
- Cola Schott & Endl. Vernakularni nazivi: cola
- Firmiana Marsili
- Franciscodendron B. Hyland & Steenis
- Heritiera Aiton
- Hildegardia Schott & Endl.
- Octolobus Welw.
- Pterocymbium R. Br.
- Pterygota Schott & Endl.
- Scaphium Schott & Endl.
- Sterculia L.
Tilioideae Arnott
- Columbia Pers.
- Craigia W.W. Sm. & W.E. Evans
- Mortoniodendron Standl. & Steyerm.
- Tilia L.
uredi- ↑ Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2009). „An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III” (PDF). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 161 (2): 105–121. DOI:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.00996.x. Pristupljeno 2013-07-06.
- ↑ Judd, W. S., C. S. Campbell, E. A. Kellogg, P. F. Stevens and M. J. Donoghue (2008). Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach (third izd.). ISBN 0878934073.
uredi- Baum, D. A., W. S. Alverson, and R. Nyffeler (1998). „A durian by any other name: taxonomy and nomenclature of the core Malvales”. Harvard Papers in Botany 3: 315–330.
- DOI:10.3732/ajb.91.11.1863
This citation will be automatically completed in the next few minutes. You can jump the queue or expand by hand - DOI:10.1006/bojl.1998.0226
This citation will be automatically completed in the next few minutes. You can jump the queue or expand by hand - Bayer, C. and K. Kubitzki 2003. Malvaceae, pp. 225–311. In K. Kubitzki (ed.), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, vol. 5, Malvales, Capparales and non-betalain Caryophyllales.
- DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8137.1935.tb06834.x
This citation will be automatically completed in the next few minutes. You can jump the queue or expand by hand - DOI:10.2307/2807839
This citation will be automatically completed in the next few minutes. You can jump the queue or expand by hand - Maas, P. J. M. and L. Y. Th. Westra. 2005. Neotropical Plant Families (3rd edition).
- DOI:10.1080/00173130410000730
This citation will be automatically completed in the next few minutes. You can jump the queue or expand by hand - Tate, J. A., J. F. Aguilar, S. J. Wagstaff, J. C. La Duke, T. A. Bodo Slotta and B. B. Simpson (2005). „Phylogenetic relationships within the tribe Malveae (Malvaceae, subfamily Malvoideae) as inferred from ITS sequence data”. American Journal of Botany 92 (4): 584–602. DOI:10.3732/ajb.92.4.584. PMID 21652437. (abstract online here Arhivirano 2010-06-26 na Wayback Machine-u).
- Alverson, William S., Barbara A. Whitlock, Reto Nyffeler, Clemens Bayer and David A. Baum. 1999. Phylogeny of the core Malvales: evidence from ndhF sequence data. American Journal of Botany 86: 1474-1486.
- William S. Alverson, Barbara A. Whitlock, Reto Nyffeler, Clemens Bayer & David A. Baum: Phylogeny of the core Malvales: evidence from ndhF sequence data., In: American Journal of Botany, Volume 86, 1999, S. 1474-1486 (Online Arhivirano 2010-06-26 na Wayback Machine-u).
- Rolf Giebelmann: Kulturgeschichtliches zu Malvengewächsen, in Toxichem + Krimtech, 73, 2, 2006, S. 66-69: Volltext-PDF (PDF-Datei; 2,68 MB)
- Beschreibung der Familie der Malvaceae bei der APWebsite. (Abschnitt Systematik)
- Bente B. Klitgård, Sara L. Edwards, Nicola Biggs, Sue Frisby, 2011: Neotropical Malvaceae (Malvoideae)., Bente B. Klitgård, 2013: Neotropical Malvaceae (Byttnerioideae). und Bente B. Klitgård, 2013: Neotropical Malvaceae (Bombacoideae). In: Neotropikey - Interactive key and information resources for flowering plants of the Neotropics.
Vanjske veze
uredi- Malvaceae Gallery
- Malvaceae Arhivirano 2020-01-03 na Wayback Machine-u
- Tree of Core Malvales Arhivirano 2007-07-13 na Wayback Machine-u
- — Malvaceae: plants of Hawaii Arhivirano 2007-02-12 na Wayback Machine-u — image gallery.
- GREIF Flora: Malvaceae of Mongolia Arhivirano 2015-04-13 na Wayback Machine-u