
(Preusmjereno sa stranice FFYNAVGJSYHHFO-UHFFFAOYSA-N)

Sarpogrelat (Anplag, MCI-9042, LS-187,118) je lek koji deluje kao antagonist na 5HT2A[4][5] i 5-HT2B[6] receptorima. On blokira serotoninom indukovanu agregaciju trombocita, i ima moguću primenu u tretmanu mnogih bolesti uključujući diabetes mellitus,[7][8] Birgerova bolest,[9] Rejnoov fenomen,[10] koronarna arterijska bolest,[11] angina pektoris,[12] i ateroskleroza.[13]

(IUPAC) ime
4-[2-(dimetilamino)-1-({2-[2-(3-metoksifenil)etil]fenoksi}metil)etoksi]-4-oksobutanska kiselina
Klinički podaci
AHFS/ Internacionalno ime leka
CAS broj 125926-17-2
ATC kod nije dodeljen
PubChem[1][2] 5160
UNII 19P708E787 DaY
ChEMBL[3] CHEMBL541829 DaY
Hemijski podaci
Formula C24H31NO6 
Mol. masa 429,506 g/mol
SMILES eMolekuli & PubHem
Sinonimi Sarpogrelate, (-)-4-[1-dimethylamino-3-[2-[2-(3-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]phenoxy]propan-2-yl]oxy-4-oxobutanoic acid
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Reference uredi

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  2. Evan E. Bolton, Yanli Wang, Paul A. Thiessen, Stephen H. Bryant (2008). „Chapter 12 PubChem: Integrated Platform of Small Molecules and Biological Activities”. Annual Reports in Computational Chemistry 4: 217-241. DOI:10.1016/S1574-1400(08)00012-1. 
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  4. Pertz H, Elz S. In-vitro pharmacology of sarpogrelate and the enantiomers of its major metabolite: 5-HT2A receptor specificity, stereoselectivity and modulation of ritanserin-induced depression of 5-HT contractions in rat tail artery. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 1995 Apr;47(4):310-6. PMID 7791029
  5. Nishio H, Inoue A, Nakata Y. Binding affinity of sarpogrelate, a new antiplatelet agent, and its metabolite for serotonin receptor subtypes. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie. 1996 Mar-Apr;331(2):189-202. PMID 8937629
  6. Muntasir HA, Hossain M, Bhuiyan MA, Komiyama T, Nakamura T, Ozaki M, Nagatomo T. Identification of a key amino acid of the human 5-HT(2B) serotonin receptor important for sarpogrelate binding. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. 2007 Jul;104(3):274-7. PMID 17609583
  7. Pietraszek MH, Takada Y, Taminato A, Yoshimi T, Watanabe I, Takada A. The effect of MCI-9042 on serotonin-induced platelet aggregation in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Thrombosis Research. 1993 Apr 15;70(2):131-8. PMID 8322284
  8. Ogawa S, Takeuchi K, Sugimura K, Sato C, Fukuda M, Lee R, Ito S, Sato T. The 5-HT2 receptor antagonist sarpogrelate reduces urinary and plasma levels of thromboxane A2 and urinary albumin excretion in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology. 1999 May-Jun;26(5-6):461-4. PMID 10386239
  9. Rydzewski A, Urano T, Hachiya T, Kaneko H, Baba S, Takada Y, Takada A. The effect of a 5HT2 receptor antagonist sarpogrelate (MCI-9042) treatment on platelet function in Buerger's disease. Thrombosis Research. 1996 Dec 15;84(6):445-52. PMID 8987165
  10. Igarashi M, Okuda T, Oh-i T, Koga M. Changes in plasma serotonin concentration and acceleration plethysmograms in patients with Raynaud's phenomenon after long-term treatment with a 5-HT2 receptor antagonist. Journal of Dermatology. 2000 Oct;27(10):643-50. PMID 11092268
  11. Satomura K, Takase B, Hamabe A, Ashida K, Hosaka H, Ohsuzu F, Kurita A. Sarpogrelate, a specific 5HT2-receptor antagonist, improves the coronary microcirculation in coronary artery disease. Clinical Cardiology. 2002 Jan;25(1):28-32. PMID 11808836
  12. Kinugawa T, Fujita M, Lee JD, Nakajima H, Hanada H, Miyamoto S. Effectiveness of a novel serotonin blocker, sarpogrelate, for patients with angina pectoris. American Heart Journal. 2002 Aug;144(2):E1. PMID 12177659
  13. Hayashi T, Sumi D, Matsui-Hirai H, Fukatsu A, Arockia Rani P J, Kano H, Tsunekawa T, Iguchi A. Sarpogrelate HCl, a selective 5-HT2A antagonist, retards the progression of atherosclerosis through a novel mechanism. Atherosclerosis. 2003 May;168(1):23-31. PMID 12732383

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