Tekstilna industrija

Tekstilna industrija je grana industrije koja se bavi preradom vlaknastih sirovina i izradom tkanina, pletenih proizvoda i prediva. Oslanja se poljoprivrednu proizvodnju iz koje crpi potrebne sirovine: vuna, lan, pamuk, svila, juta i dr. Ovo je jedna od najstarijih industrijskih grana. Krajnji produkt proizvodnje su odeća i razne vrste tkanina.

Tekstilni materijali (s leva na desno: tkani pamuk, smoto, štampani pamuk, platno, filc, saten svila, platno, polivinil)

Podela sirovina


Sirovine koje se koriste u tekstilnoj industriji prema poreklu se mogu podeliti na:

Sirovinska baza u Srbiji je veoma slaba pa se tako uvozi 79% vune, 95% pamuka i 100% jute, za potrebe domaće proizvodnje.

Podela tekstilne industrije


Tekstilna industrija se prema materijalu koju se koristi u glavnom porizvodnom procesu može podeliti na:


  • Mastilo, Natalija (2005): Rečnik savremene srpske geografske terminologije, Geografski fakultet, Beograd
  • Collier, Ann M (1970), A Handbook of Textiles, Pergamon Press, pp. 258, ISBN 0-08-018057-4 
  • Copeland, Melvin Thomas. The cotton manufacturing industry of the United States (Harvard University Press, 1912) online
  • Cameron, Edward H. Samuel Slater, Father of American Manufactures (1960) scholarly biography
  • Conrad, Jr., James L. "'Drive That Branch': Samuel Slater, the Power Loom, and the Writing of America's Textile History," Technology and Culture, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Jan., 1995), pp. 1–28 in JSTOR
  • Griffiths, T., Hunt, P.A., and O’Brien, P. K. "Inventive activity in the British textile industry", Journal of Economic History, 52 (1992), pp. 881–906.
  • Griffiths, Trevor; Hunt, Philip; O’Brien, Patrick. "Scottish, Irish, and imperial connections: Parliament, the three kingdoms, and the mechanization of cotton spinning in eighteenth-century Britain," Economic History Review, Aug 2008, Vol. 61 Issue 3, pp 625–650
  • Smelser; Neil J. Social Change in the Industrial Revolution: An Application of Theory to the British Cotton Industry (1959)
  • Tucker, Barbara M. "The Merchant, the Manufacturer, and the Factory Manager: The Case of Samuel Slater," Business History Review, Vol. 55, No. 3 (Autumn, 1981), pp. 297–313 in JSTOR
  • Tucker, Barbara M. Samuel Slater and the Origins of the American Textile Industry, 1790-1860 (1984)
  • Woytinsky, W. S., and E. S. Woytinsky. World Population and Production Trends and Outlooks (1953) pp 1051–98; with many tables and maps on the worldwide textile industry in 1950



Vanjske veze
