Thomas Henry Huxley

1825. 1895. Tomas Henri Haksli (engl. Thomas Henry Huxley; London, 4. maj 1825Istborn, 29. jun 1895) je bio engleski biolog (komparativni anatomist), poznat pod nadimku „Darvinov buldog“ zbog svog zastupanja teorije evolucije Čarlsa Darvina.

Tomas Henri Haksli

Haksli oko 1880. godine

1825. maj 1825.
London LondonUjedinjeno Kraljevstvo
1895. jun 1895.
Istborn IstbornUjedinjeno Kraljevstvo

Hakslijeva čuvena debata iz 1860. sa Samjuelom Vilberforsom je bila ključni trenutak za šire prihvatanje evolucije i njegovu karijeru. Haksli je prethodnog dana planirao da ode iz Oksforda, ali se predomislio nakon susreta sa Robertom Čembersom, piscem Vestiges, i odlučio da učestvuje u debati. Vilberforsa je savetovao Ričard Oven, protiv koga je Haksli takođe vodio debatu oko toga da li su ljudi bliski srodnici majmuna.

Haksli je polako prihvatao neke Darvinove ideje, kao što je gradualizam, i nije imao stav o prirodnoj selekciji, ali je uprkos tome punim srcem podržavao Darvina. Kao jedan od zaslužnih za razvoj naučnog obrazovanja u Britaniji, Haksli se borio protiv ekstremnih verzija religijske tracidije.

Haksli je 1869. skovao izraz „agnostik“ da opiše svoja gledišta na teologiju, a taj izraz je nastavio da se koristio do danas.

Haksli je imao malo zvaničnog obrazovanja i bukvalno je bio samouk. Postao je možda najbolji komparativni anatomista druge polovine 19. veka. Proučavao je beskičmenjake, razjasnivši odnose između grupa koje su ranije bile slabo shvaćene. Kasnije je proučavao kičmenjake, naročito vezu između majmuna i ljudi. Nakon što je uporedio fosil Archaeopteryx-a sa Compsognathus-om, zaključio je da su ptice evoluirale od malih dinosaurusa-mesojeda i ta teorija je i danas široko prihvaćena.

Postoji težnja da se njegov rat u anatomiji zaseni njegovim energičnim i kontroverznim aktivnostima u korist evolucije i njegovim javnim radom u naučnom obrazovanju. Obe stvari su imali značajni uticaj na društvo u Brianiji i u svetu.

Tomas Haksli je bio prvi u celom porodičnom nizu viđenih engleskih naučnika i kulturnih radnika. NJegovi unuci su pisac Oldus Haksli, ser Džulijan Haksli (biolog-evolucionista, prvi generalni direktor Uneska) i ser Endru Haksli (fiziolog i dobitnik Nobelove nagrade).


  • Encyclopædia Britannica Online (2006), Thomas Henry Huxley, Encyclopædia Britannica Inc. 
  • Barr, Alan P, ur. (1997), Thomas Henry Huxley's place in science and letters: centenary essays, Georgia: Athens 
  • Bibby, Cyril (1959), T.H. Huxley: scientist, humanist and educator, London: Watts 
  • Bibby, Cyril (1972), Scientist Extraordinary: the life and work of Thomas Henry Huxley 1825–1895, Oxford: Pergamon 
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  • Clack, Jenny (2002), Gaining ground: the origin of tetrapods, Indiana 
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  • Cronin, Helena (1991), The ant and the peacock: altruism and sexual selection from Darwin to today, Cambridge University Press 
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  • Darwin, Francis; Seward, A.C. (1903), More Letters of Charles Darwin. 2 vols, London: John Murray 
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  • Foster, Michael; Lankester, E. Ray (2007), The scientific memoirs of Thomas Henry Huxley. 4 vols and supplement, London: Macmillan (izdano 1898–1903), ISBN 1-4326-4011-9 
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  • Huxley, Julian (1935), T.H. Huxley's diary of the voyage of HMS Rattlesnake, London: Chatto & Windus 
  • Huxley, Leonard (1900), The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley. 2 vols 8vo, London: Macmillan 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1854), „Review of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, tenth edition”, British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review (13) 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1855), „On certain zoological arguments commonly adduced in favour of the hypothesis of the progressive development of animal life in time”, Proceedings of the Royal Institution 2 (1854–58) 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1857), „untitled letter on theory of glaciers”, Philosophical Magazine xiv: 241 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1859), The Oceanic Hydrozoa, London: The Ray Society, ISBN 0-300-03062-2 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1860a), „On species, and races and their origin”, Proc. Roy. Inst. 1858–62 (III): 195 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1860b), „The origin of species”, Westminster Review (April) 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1861), „On the zoological relations of man with the lower animals”, Natural History Review (new series) (1) 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1862a), „On the fossil remains of Man”, Proceedings of the Royal Institution (1858–62) (London: The Royal Institution) III 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1862b), On our knowledge of the causes of the phenomena of organic nature, London 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1863), Evidence as to Man's place in nature, London: Williams & Norwood 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1864), „Further remarks on the human remains from the Neanderthal”, Natural History Review (London) (4): 429–46 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1870), „Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews”, Nature (London) 3 (54): 22, Bibcode 1870Natur...3...22G, DOI:10.1038/003022a0 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1877), American Addresses. 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1887), „On the reception of the 'Origin of Species'”, Darwin, Francis, Life & Letters of Charles Darwin, London: John Murray 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1893 – 94), Collected essays. 9 vols. Vol 1: Methods and results; vol 2: Darwiniana; vol 3: Science and education; vol 4: Science and Hebrew tradition; vol 5: Science and Christian tradition; vol 6 :Hume, with helps to the study of Berkeley; vol 7:Man's place in nature; vol 8: Discourses biological and geological; vol 9: Evolution and ethics, and other essays, London: Macmillan 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1893 – 94), Collected essays: vol 2 Darwiniana, London: Macmillan 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1893 – 94), Collected essays: vol 3 Science and education, London: Macmillan 
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (2007), „Preliminary essay upon the systematic arrangement of the fishes of the Devonian epoch.”, Foster, Michael; Lankester, E. Ray, The scientific memoirs of Thomas Henry Huxley. vol 2, London: Macmillan, 1898–1903, pp. 421–60, ISBN 1-4326-4011-9 
  • Jensen, J Vernon (1970), „The X Club: fraternity of Victorian scientists”, British Journal of the History of Science 5 (5): 63–72, DOI:10.1017/S0007087400010621 
  • Jensen, J. Vernon (1991), Thomas Henry Huxley: communicating for science., Newark: University of Delaware 
  • Lester, Joe (1995), E. Ray Lankester:the making of modern British biology (edited, with additions, by Peter J. Bowler), BSHS Monograph #9 
  • Lucas, John R. (1979), „Wilberforce and Huxley: a legendary encounter”, The Historical Journal (Cambridge University Press) 22 (2), DOI:10.1017/S0018246X00016848, PMID 11617072, arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-04-10, pristupljeno 9 June 2007 
  • Lyons, Sherrie L (1999), Thomas Henry Huxley: the evolution of a scientist, New York 
  • MacBride, E.W. (1934), Huxley, London: Duckworth 
  • MacGillivray, John (1852), Narrative of the voyage of HMS Rattlesnake. 2 vols, London: Boone 
  • Mackenzie, N; Mackenzie, J, ur. (1982), The diaries of Beatrice Webb vol 1 1873–1892, London: Virago 
  • Mayr, Ernst (1982), The Growth of Biological Thought, Harvard University Press 
  • McMillan, N.D.; Meehan, J (1980), John Tyndall: 'X'emplar of scientific & technological education, Dublin: National Council for Educational Awards, pristupljeno 14 February 2014 . (despite its chaotic organisation, this little book contains some nuggets that are well worth sifting)
  • Morley, John (1917), Recollections. 2 vols, Macmillan 
  • Osborn, Henry Fairfield (1924), Impressions of great naturalists 
  • Owen, Richard (1858), „On the characters, principles of division, and primary groups of the Class Mammalia”, Proc Linnean Society: Zoology (2): 1–37 
  • Owen, Richard (1860), „Darwin on the Origin of Species”, Edinburgh Review (111): 487–532 
  • Paradis, James; Williams, George C (1989), Evolution and Ethics: T. H. Huxley's 'Evolution and Ethics', with New Essays on Its Victorian and Sociobiological Context, Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press 
  • Paradis, James G. (1978), T.H. Huxley: Man's place in nature, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln 
  • Paul, G (2002), Dinosaurs of the Air, the evolution and loss of flight in dinosaurs and birds, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 171–224, ISBN 0-8018-6763-0 
  • Peterson, Houston (1932), Huxley: prophet of science, London: Longmans, Green .
  • Poulton, Edward Bagnall (1896), Charles Darwin and the theory of natural selection, London: Cassell .(Chapter 18 deals with Huxley and natural selection)
  • Pritchard, M. (1994), A directory of London photographers 1891–1908 
  • Prum, R (2003), „Are current critiques of the theropod origin of birds science? Rebuttal To Feduccia 2002”, The Auk 120 (2): 550–561, DOI:10.1642/0004-8038(2003)120[0550:ACCOTT]2.0.CO;2 
  • Ruse, Michael (1997), „Thomas Henry Huxley and the status of evolution as science”, Barr, Alan P., Thomas Henry Huxley's place in science and letters: centenary essays, Georgia: Athens 
  • Spencer, Herbert (1904), Autobiography. 2 vols, London: Williams & Norgate 
  • Tyndall, John; Huxley, Thomas Henry (1857), „On the Structure and Motion of Glaciers”, Philosophical Transactions 147: 327–346, DOI:10.1098/rstl.1857.0016 
  • Tyndall, John (1896), The Glaciers of the Alps (Original edition 1860 izd.), Longman 
  • Webb, Beatrice (1926), My apprenticeship, London: Longmans 
  • Wilberforce, Samuel (1860), „Darwin's Origin of Species”, Quarterly Review (102): 225–64 
  • Wollaston, A.F.R. (1921), Life of Alfred Newton 1829–1907 
  • White, Paul (2003), Thomas Huxley: making the 'Man of Science', Cambridge University Press 
  • Ashforth, Albert. Thomas Henry Huxley. Twayne, New York 1969.
  • Ayres, Clarence. Huxley. Norton, New York 1932.
  • Clodd, Edward. Thomas Henry Huxley. Blackwood, Edinburgh 1902.
  • Huxley, Leonard. Thomas Henry Huxley: a character sketch. Watts, London 1920.
  • Irvine, William. Apes, Angels and Victorians. New York 1955.
  • Irvine, William. Thomas Henry Huxley. Longmans, London 1960.
  • Mitchell, P. Chalmers. Thomas Henry Huxley: a sketch of his life and work London 1901. Available at Project Gutenberg.
  • Voorhees, Irving Wilson. The teachings of Thomas Henry Huxley. Broadway, New York 1907.

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