Dina Dragija ( 30.04.1996, Croatia/Zagreb) Master of Science in Politics, Violence and Crime (Anthropology), Bachelor of Arts in International Relationships and Diplomacy.

Dina Dragija has a master’s degree in Anthropology of Politics, Violence and Crime from University College London. She got her bachelor’s degree from the Dag Hammarskjold College of International Relations and Diplomacy in Zagreb, Croatia.The Politics, Violence and Crime MSc and International Relations BA Programme provided her with methodological skills that enabled her to collect and analyse cross-cultural and comparative data on international security, violence, crime, diplomacy and their entanglement with local and global politics. She is founder and a Vice President of NGO Youth Leadership Network (YLN) https://youthleadersnetwork.net/about-us/ that engages youth from around the world in a unique way by allowing them to explore different topics and exchange ideas, while simultaneously recommending changes and initiatives to influential experts and decision-makers. YLN is working on transforming the outdated way of thinking and acting, prepare young generation of a new (leaders) for the challenges of a new VUCA world such as Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity by breaking the illusion under which humans perceive themselves as separated from nature and turn our profit-oriented economies into human-oriented ones. YLN was part of the On virtual conference on Global Leadership for the 21st Century on the 15 and 16 December 2020 organised by the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) and the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS). The outcomes of this conference and of the overall project will serve to inform global leaders about good practices and innovative strategies fit for the 21st century. She is Junior Fellow of WAAS http://worldacademy.org/newly-elected-fellows http://worldacademy.org/nomination/dina-dragija.