Dativ (lat. dare, datum = dati, dan) treći je od sedam padeža srpskohrvatskoga jezika te jedan od padeža mnogih slavenskih jezika, a i nekih drugih indoevropskih jezika. To je padež namjene i cilja, a odgovara na pitanja komu? ili čemu?

Upotreba dativa

Dao sam ti pismo.
Učini mi uslugu.
Otac mu je na putu. (Njegov otac je na putu.)
Idemo kući.
Prilazim k cilju
Bila je prekrasna, slična zvijezdama na nebu.

Dativ se koristi s prijedlozima:

k, usprkos, unatoč
nadomak, nadohvat, usuprot, protiv, naprama, prema

Glagoli koji zahtijevaju dativ:

činiti se, gaditi se, smučiti se, nedostajati, pomagati, prijati. goditi, sviđati se, svidjeti se, dopadati se, vjerovati... i njihove izvedenice i drugi oblici.

Kod imenica jednine ženskog roda u dativu često dolazi do glasovne promjene koja se zove sibilarizacija ili druga palatalizacija.

== Types == dative

Dative closeness === === Dative closeness, interest or ethical dative, used personal pronoun as a sign of closeness

Behold, 'you' mother!
How are you 'I'?

Possessive dative === === Possessive dative or dative possessive expresses belonging to directory attribute om the dative

Dative direction === === Dative direction or direktivnosti about fundamental meaning of dative - orientation:

approach 'order', turn 'it,go ' home

Dative purposes === === Dative purpose means giving, indirect object and purpose of someone:

buy 'it',promise 'son, bow ' God

Dative === === benefit or harm Dative benefit or harm a subspecies of the dative purpose and talk about how something makes it to the detriment or benefit to someone:

help 'poor,hijack 'the rich

=== === Dative with infinitive

Dative with the infinitive is obsoleteLAZA structures:

Should be 'we to go, which 'we do?

=== === Emfatični dative

Emfatični dative comes zakletvama and swear, like the dative posvojnome:

that 'we all mothers ' I

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turn '' it, go home

Dative purposes === === Dative purpose means giving, indirect object and purpose of someone:

buy 'it, promise' son, '''' bow God

Dative === === benefit or harm Dative benefit or harm a subspecies of the dative purpose and talk about how something makes it to the detriment or benefit to someone:

Help 'poor, hijack' the rich

=== === Dative with infinitive

Dative with the infinitive is obsolete structures:

Should be 'we to go, which 'we do?

=== === Emfatični dative

Emfatični dative comes zakletvama and swear, like the dative posvojnome:

that 'we''''''all mothers and

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