Opsada Sarajeva – razlika između verzija

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Red 52:
[[Ujedinjeni narodi]] su tijekom tog razdoblja konvojima snabdijevali Sarajlije hranom, lijekovima i gorivom za generatore u bolnicama, jedinom pekarom tada u gradu te središnjom pumpom za vodu.<ref>{{cite web|title=''A Siege by Any Other Name Would Be as Painful''|url=http://www.nytimes.com/1993/08/17/world/a-siege-by-any-other-name-would-be-as-painful.html?scp=8&sq=siege%20sarajevo&st=cse|publisher=New York Times|author=John F. Burns|date = 17. 08. 1993.|accessdate = 29. 08. 2010.}}</ref> Prema Istraživačko dokumentacijskom centru (IDC), opsada u Sarajevu je uzrokovala 14.011 žrtava, od čega je 7.808 ljudi preminulo 1992. a 3.392 1993. godine, čime je to najveće stratište rata po ljudskim gubicima.<ref name="idc">{{cite web|title=''Rezultati istraživanja "Ljudski gubici '91-'95" (Sarajevo)''|url=http://www.idc.org.ba/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&id=35&Itemid=126&lang=bs|publisher=''Istraživačko dokumentacijski centar (IDC)''|author=|date=2007|accessdate=29. kolovoza 2010}}</ref> Doktori glavne bolnice u gradu su javili da su primali pet do petnaest ranjenih žrtava snajpera dnevno. <ref>[[#UN-ov izvještaj VI|UN-ov izvještaj VI]], paragraf 240</ref>
Opsadu grada je izvodila Vojska Republike Srpske, uz vojnu, logističku, obavještajnu i tehničku [[Srbija u jugoslovenskim ratovima|podršku SR Jugoslavije]]. Od početka opsade, JNA, srpski pobunjenici i paravojne formacije su bile pod pod organizacijom i komandom srbijanskog predsjednika [[Slobodan Milošević|Slobodana Miloševića]].<ref name="hrw1">{{cite web|title=Weighing the Evidence|url=https://www.hrw.org/en/node/11081/section/5|publisher=[[Human Rights Watch]]|date=13 December 2006|accessdate=18 November 2010}}</ref><ref name="Resolution">{{cite web|url=https://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/47/a47r121.htm|title=Resolution 47/121, 91st plenary meeting, The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina|date=18 December 1992|publisher=[[United Nations General Assembly]]|accessdate=23 April 2011|quote=''Gravely concerned about the deterioration of the situation in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina owing to intensified aggressive acts by the Serbian and Montenegrin forces to acquire more territories by force, characterized by a consistent pattern of unacceptable and systematic violations of human rights, a burgeoning refugee population resulting from mass expulsions of defenceless civilians from their homes and the existence in Serbian and Montenegrin controlled areas of concentration camps and detention centres, in pursuit of the abhorrent policy of "[[ethnic cleansing]]", considered a form of genocide. Strongly condemning [[Serbia and Montenegro]] and their surrogates in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina for their continued non-compliance with all relevant United Nations resolutions, Deeply regretting that the sanctions imposed by the Security Council have not had the desired effect of halting the aggressive acts by Serbian and Montenegrin irregular forces and the direct and indirect support of the Yugoslav People's Army for the aggressive acts in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina''.}}</ref> Zbog uloge u opsadi Sarajeva i ratu u BiH, [[SRJ]] je bila pod [[Međunarodne sankcije protiv SR Jugoslavije|međunarodnim sankcijama]] UN u periodu 1992-1996.
[[Međunarodni sud za ratne zločine počinjene na području bivše Jugoslavije]] (MKSJ) osudio je tri srpska zapovjednika zbog opsade: to su [[Stanislav Galić]], [[Dragomir Milošević]] i [[Radovan Karadžić]].