Diarilpropan peroksidaza

(Preusmjereno sa stranice LiP)

Diarilpropan peroksidaza (EC, diarilpropanska oksigenaza, ligninaza I, diarilpropanska peroksidaza, LiP, diarilpropan:kiseonik,vodonik-peroksidna oksidoreduktaza (raskidanje C-C veze)) je enzim sa sistematskim imenom 1,2-bis(3,4-dimetoksifenil)propan-1,3-diol:vodonik-peroksid oksidoreduktaza.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju

Diarilpropan peroksidaza
EC broj
CAS broj 93792-13-3
IntEnz IntEnz view
ExPASy NiceZyme view
MetaCyc metabolic pathway
PRIAM profile
(3,4-dimetoksifenil)metanol + H2O2 3,4-dimetoksibenzaldehid + 2H2O

Ovaj enzim je hemoprotein. On učestvuje u oksidativnom razlaganju lignina gljivama Basidiomycete.

Reference uredi

  1. Kersten, P.J., Tien, M., Kalyanaraman, B. and Kirk, T.K. (1985). „The ligninase of Phanerochaete chrysosporium generates cation radicals from methoxybenzenes”. J. Biol. Chem. 260: 2609-2612. PMID 2982828. 
  2. Paszczynski, A., Huynh, V.-B. and Crawford, R. (1986). „Comparison of ligninase-I and peroxidase-M2 from the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium”. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 244: 750-765. PMID 3080953. 
  3. Harvey, P.J., Schoemaker, H.E. and Palmer, J.M. (1986). „Veratryl alcohol as a mediator and the role of radical cations in lignin biodegradation by Phanerochaete chrysosporium”. FEBS Lett. 195: 242-246. 
  4. Doyle, W.A., Blodig, W., Veitch, N.C., Piontek, K. and Smith, A.T. (1998). „Two substrate interaction sites in lignin peroxidase revealed by site-directed mutagenesis”. Biochemistry 37: 15097-15105. PMID 9790672. 
  5. Wariishi, H., Marquez, L., Dunford, H.B. and Gold, M.H. (1990). „Lignin peroxidase compounds II and III. Spectral and kinetic characterization of reactions with peroxides”. J. Biol. Chem. 265: 11137-11142. PMID 2162833. 
  6. Cai, D.Y. and Tien, M. (1990). „Characterization of the oxycomplex of lignin peroxidases from Phanerochaete chrysosporium: equilibrium and kinetics studies”. Biochemistry 29: 2085-2091. PMID 2328240. 
  7. Khindaria, A., Yamazaki, I. and Aust, S.D. (1995). „Veratryl alcohol oxidation by lignin peroxidase”. Biochemistry 34: 16860-16869. PMID 8527462. 
  8. Khindaria, A., Yamazaki, I. and Aust, S.D. (1996). „Stabilization of the veratryl alcohol cation radical by lignin peroxidase”. Biochemistry 35: 6418-6424. PMID 8639588. 
  9. Khindaria, A., Nie, G. and Aust, S.D. (1997). „Detection and characterization of the lignin peroxidase compound II-veratryl alcohol cation radical complex”. Biochemistry 36: 14181-14185. PMID 9369491. 

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