Omarosa's profession and gender


Although I like your enthusiasm for making articles about American pop culture personalities, a little bit more caution (and familiarity with Serbo-Croatian language and the way it handles different genders) could be appreciated. First version of article about Omarosa Manigault claims that Ms. Manigault is a comedian and actor (which might be true, if we apply certain broad criteria), and also claims that Omarosa Manigualt is a man, which, unless you are privy to something the rest of the world, media and other reliable sources know, doesn't appear to be correct. --OC Ripper (razgovor) 12:53, 29 rujan-септембар 2012 (CEST)

Ovo je razgovorna stranica s anonimnim korisnikom koji još nije napravio račun ili ga ne koristi. Zbog toga moramo da koristimo brojčanu IP adresu kako bismo identifikovali njega ili nju. Takvu adresu može dijeliti više korisnika. Ako ste anonimni korisnik i mislite da su vam upućene nebitne primjedbe, molimo Vas da napravite račun ili se prijavite da biste izbjegli buduću zabunu sa ostalim anonimnim korisnicima.