Victor August Herbert (1. februar 1859 – 26. maj 1924) bio je američki kompozitor, violončelist i dirigent rodom iz Irske i obrazovan u Njemačkoj. Iako u svoje vrijeme poznat kao jedan od najvažnijih violončelista i dirirgenata, danas ga se najviše pamti po nizu popularnih opereta koje su premijerno prikazane na Broadwayu od 1890-ih do prvog svjetskog rata. Također je bio jedan od najpoznatijih kompozitora Tin Pan Alleya te osnivač Američkog društva kompozitora, autora i izdavača (ASCAP). Herbert je imao plodan opus - dvije opere, kantatu, 43 operete, scensku muziku za 10 kazališnih komada, 31 kompoziciju za orkestar, devet kompozicija za manji sastava, devet kompozicija za violončelo, pet kompozicija za klavir, violinu i orekstar, 22 kompozicije za klavir i brojne pjesme, zborske kompozicije i aranžmane drugih kompozitora.

Victor Herbert




  • Barnes, Edwin N. C. Near Immortals: Stephen Foster, Edward MacDowell, Victor Herbert. Washington, D.C.: Music Education Publications, c1940.
  • Bordman, Gerald. American Operetta. New York: Oxford University Press, 1981.
  • Bordman, Gerald. American Musical Theatre: a Chronicle (New York, 1978; 2nd Ed 1986)
  • Crouse, Russel. The Great Victor Herbert. Hollywood, 1939.
  • Debus, Allen G. "The Early Victor Herbert", Music of Victor Herbert, Smithsonian Collection DMP30366 (1979; disc notes)
  • Forbes, Douglas L. Some Serious Compositions of Victor Herbert. A study in musical style. 1957. (Dissertation)
  • Ganzl, Kurt. The Encyclopedia of Musical Theatre (3 Volumes). New York: Schirmer Books 2001
  • Gould, Neil (2008). Victor Herbert: A Theatrical Life. Fordham University Press. ISBN 978-0823228713. 
  • Hamm, C. Yesterdays: Popular Song in America (New York, 1979)
  • Kaye, Joseph (1931). Victor Herbert: The Biography of America's Greatest Composer of Romantic Music. New York: G. Howard Watt. OCLC 871263. 
  • Ledbetter, Steven. Herbert, Victor (August)[mrtav link], at Grove, accessed March 24, 2008
  • Purdy, Claire Lee (1944). Victor Herbert: American Music Master. New York: Julian Messner, Inc.. OCLC 3898217. 
  • Schmalz, R. F. "Paur and the Pittsburgh: Requiem for an Orchestra", American Music, xii/2 (1994), pp. 125–47
  • Shirley, W. "A Bugle Call to Arms for National Defense! Victor Herbert and his Score for The Fall of a Nation", Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress, xl (1983), pp. 26–47
  • Smith, H. B. First Nights and First Editions (Boston, 1931)
  • Studwell W. E. "Foreigners and Patriots: the American Musical, 1890–1927: an Essay and Bibliography", Music Reference Services Quarterly, iii/1 (1994–5), pp. 1–10
  • Traubner, Richard. Operetta: A Theatrical History. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1983
  • Waters, Edward N. (1955). Victor Herbert: A Life in Music. New York: Macmillan. OCLC 1293405.  (reprinted in 1978 by Da Capo Press)
  • Wood, Ean (1996). George Gershwin: His Life and Music. Sanctuary Publishing. ISBN 1-86074-174-6

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