Serapeum ili Serapeion (grčki: Σεραπεῖον) je naziv za hram posvećen Serapisu, sinkretičkom helenističko-egipatskom božanstvu koga su posebno štovali ptolemejski Grci u Aleksandriji. Ostaci Serapeuma osim u Aleksandriji postoje na brojnim drugim lokacijama kako u Egiptu, tako i u današnjoj Turskoj i Italiji, gdje se kult Serapisa zahvaljujući trgovačkim i drugim kulturnim vezama u helenističko i rimsko doba.
Od svih Serapeuma je najpoznatiji Serapeum u Aleksandriji koji je oko 391. uništen u krvavim sukobima kršćana sa paganima.
Vanjske veze
uredi- Rufinus – "The Destruction of the Serapeum A.D. 391" Arhivirano 2008-04-06 na Wayback Machine-u
- Michael Routery, "The Serapeum of Alexandria" The author has conflated material from his cited references source (R. Turcan 1996:126): the reason for the conflict that led to the barricading in the Serapeum has been changed from that of his source. Here it is the finding of human skulls and the charge of human sacrifice text instead of a conspiracy and a ridiculing of art work.
- Richard Stillwell, ed. Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, 1976: Arhivirano 2007-10-11 na Wayback Machine-u "Alexandria, Egypt: Serapeion"
- References to another Serapeum near the Suez Canal:
- Eastern Serapeum2 - To the west of Tussum a large group of dunes occurs which runs to the south-south-west, and at kilometer 90 we reach the Serapeum.
- Eastern Serapeum3 Arhivirano 2016-03-03 na Wayback Machine-u - On Napoleon's Map
- Three more Serapea - The Tabula Peutingeriana shows 3 additional Serapea not discussed in the article (Big Map)