Sebastian Faulks
Sebastian Faulks CBE (20.4. 1953.-) je ugledni engleski romanopisac. Faulks je popularnost stekao zahvaljujući romanima na temu prvog i drugog svjetskog rata, ali je široj javnosti postao poznat kao sljedeći službeni pisac romana o Jamesu Bondu.

- A Trick of the Light Bodley Head (1984)
- The Girl at the Lion D'or Hutchinson (1989)
- A Fool's Alphabet Hutchinson (1992)
- Birdsong Hutchinson (1993)
- Charlotte Gray Hutchinson (1998)
- On Green Dolphin Street (Hutchinson 2001)
- Human Traces Hutchinson (2005) ISBN 0-09-179687-3
- Engleby Hutchinson (2007)
- Devil May Care (uskoro, 2008)
- The Vintage Book of War Stories (uredio zajedno s Jorgom Hensgenom) Vintage (1999)
- The Fatal Englishman: Three Short Lives (1996)
- Pistache (zbirka eseja) Hutchinson (2006)
Vanjske veze
uredi- The Official Sebastian Faulks Homepage
- The Big Read from the BBC
- The Write Stuff
- StoryCode lists books similar to Birdsong Arhivirano 2007-12-30 na Wayback Machine-u,On Green Dolphin Street Arhivirano 2007-12-30 na Wayback Machine-u and Human Traces Arhivirano 2007-12-30 na Wayback Machine-u
Prethodi: Charlie Higson 2005- |
pisac romana o James Bondu 2008 |
Slijedi: trenutno |