Potres u San Franciscu 1906.
Potres u San Franciscu 1906. bio je snažan potres koji je pogodio San Francisco i obalu Sjeverne Kalifornije u 5:12 18. aprila 1906.[1] Najšire prihvaćena procjena magnitude potresa je 7,9 Mw[2], ali iznose se i druge vrijednosti, od 7,7 pa čak do 8,25.[3] Glavni epicentar bio je na moru, oko 3,2 km od grada. Potres se osjetio od Oregona do Los Angelesa i sve do centralne Nevade.[4] Potres i požar koji je uslijedio pamte se kao jedna od najvećih prirodnih katastrofa u historiji SAD-a[5] uz uragan u Galvestonu 1900. i uragan Katrina 2005. Procjenjuje se da je od potresa i požara stradalo preko 3.000 ljudi[6] i to predstavlja najsmrtonosniju prirodnu katastrofu u historiji Kalifornije.
![]() | |
Datum | 18. april 1906. |
Vrijeme početka | 5:12 |
Magnituda | 7,8 Mw |
Dubina | 8 km |
Lokacija epicentra | 37°45′N 122°33′W / 37.75°N 122.55°W |
Pogođene zemlje/oblasti |
SAD (Zaljevska oblast San Franciska) |
Cunami | da |
Žrtve | >3000 (procijenjeno na 3425) |
uredi- Arnold Genthe i George R. Lawrence, fotografi potresa
- Komitet pedesetorice (1906)
- Lista potresa u SAD
uredi- ↑ USGS – The Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
- ↑ Gdje mogu saznati više o potresu 1906?, Seizmološka laboratorija Berkeley.
- ↑ Potres 1906: Kolika je bila magnituda? Arhivirano 2006-09-26 na Wayback Machine-u USGS Earthquake Hazards Program – Northern California; pristupljeno 19. 9. 2006.
- ↑ Christine Gibson Arhivirano 2010-12-05 na Wayback Machine-u "Our 10 Greatest Natural Disasters," American Heritage, aug/sept. 2006.
- ↑ John Dvorak Arhivirano 2008-07-25 na Wayback Machine-u "San Francisco Then and Now," American Heritage, april/maj 2006.
- ↑ Timeline of the San Francisco Earthquake April 18-23, 1906 Arhivirano 2016-03-03 na Wayback Machine-u, The Virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco
uredi- Double Cone Quarterly, Fall Equinox, svezak VII, br. 3 (2004).
- American Society of Civil Engineers (1907). Transactions. Paper No. 1056. The Effects Of The San Francisco Earthquake of April 18th, 1906, on Engineering Constructions: Reports Of A General Committee And Of Six Special Committees Of The San Francisco Association Of Members Of The American Society Of Civil Engineers. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
- Greely, Adolphus W. (1906). Earthquake in California, April 18, 1906. Special Report On The Relief Operations Conducted By The Military Authorities. Washington: Government Printing Office. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
- Gilbert, Grove Karl; Richard Lewis Humphrey, John Stephen Sewell and Frank Soule (1907). The San Francisco Earthquake And Fire of April 18th, 1906 And Their Effects On Structures And Structural Materials. Washington: Government Printing Office. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
- The San Francisco Earthquake And Fire: A Presentation of Facts And Resulting. New York: The Roebling Construction Company. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
- Jordan, David Starr; John Casper Branner, Charles Derleth, Jr., Stephen Taber, F. Omari, Harold W. Fairbanks, Mary Hunter Austin (1907). The California Earthquake of 1906. San Francisco: A. M. Robertson. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
- Mining And Scientific Press; T. A. Rickard, G. K. Gilbert, S. B. Christy (and others) (1907). After Earthquake And Fire: A Reprint Of The Articles And Editorial Comment Appearing In The Mining And Scientific Press. San Francisco: Mining And Scientific Press. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
- Russell Sage Foundation; Charles J. O'Connor, Francis H. McLean, Helen Swett Artieda, James Marvin Motley, Jessica Peixotto, Mary Roberts Coolidge (1907). San Francisco Relief Survey: The Organization And Methods Of Relief Used After The Earthquake And Fire Of April 18, 1906. Survey Associates, Inc. (New York), Wm. F. Fell Co. (Philadelphia). Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
- Schussler, Hermann (1907). The Water Supply Of San Francisco, California Before, During And After The Earthquake of April 18, 1906 And The Subsequent Conflagration. New York: Martin B. Brown Press. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
- Tyler, Sydney; Harry Fielding Reid (1908). The California Earthquake of April 18, 1906: Report Of The State Earthquake Investigation Commission, Volumes I and II. Washington, D.C.: The Carnegie Institution of Washington.
- Wald D. J, Kanamori, Hiroo, Helmberger, D.V. and Heaton, T. H, Source study of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Arhivirano 2009-01-09 na Wayback Machine-u, bilten Američkog seizmološkog društva, sv. 83, br. 4, str. 981-1019, august 1993.
- Winchester, Simon, A Crack in the Edge of the World: America and the Great California Earthquake of 1906, "HarperCollins Publishers", New York, 2005. ISBN 0-06-057199-3
- Savremeni izvori o katastrofi
- Aitken, Frank W.; Edward Hilton (1906). A History Of The Earthquake And Fire In San Francisco. San Francisco: The Edward Hilton Co.. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
- Banks, Charles Eugene; Opie Percival Read (1906). The History Of The San Francisco Disaster And Mount Vesuvius Horror. C. E. Thomas. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
- Givens, John David; Opie Percival Read (1906). San Francisco In Ruins: A Pictorial History. San Francisco: Leon C. Osteyee. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
- Keeler, Charles (1906). San Francisco Through Earthquake And Fire. San Francisco: Paul Elder And Company. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
- Morris, Charles (1906). The San Francisco Calamity By Earthquake And Fire. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
- Tyler, Sydney; Ralph Stockman Tarr (1908). San Francisco's Great Disaster. Philadelphia: P. W. Ziegler Co.. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
- White, Trumbull; Richard Linthicum (1906). Complete Story of the San Francisco Horror. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2009.
Vanjske veze
uredi- Članak iz 2010. s izvrsnim fotografijama Arhivirano 2012-03-18 na Wayback Machine-u
- Zemljotres i požar 1906, Nacionalne arhive
- Zemljotres u San Francisku Arhivirano 2011-06-29 na Archive.is-u originalni izvještaji Timesa
- Geološka tura zemljotresa u San Francisku, 100 godina kasnije, Američki geološki institut
- Zemljotres u San Francisku Arhivirano 2012-07-22 na Wayback Machine-u - web stranica s informacijama za studente.
- Veliki zemljotres i požar 1906. na stranici Muzeja San Franciska
- Mapa razorene oblasti i linkovi na fotografije Arhivirano 2013-01-25 na Wayback Machine-u
- Kolekcija Idit Irvajn: Fotografije zemljotresa u San Francisku 1906.
- Zemljotres 1906. u Palo Altu Arhivirano 2012-04-22 na Wayback Machine-u