Constantine III od Škotske

Constantine, sin Cuiléna (srednjovjekovni gelski: Causantín mac Cuiléin; moderni gelski: Còiseam mac Chailein), danas u većini kraljevskih popisa poznat kao Constantine III,[1] (prije 971–997) bio je kralj Škotske od 995. do smrti. Bio je sin škotskog kralja Cuiléna (Cuilén mac Iduilb).[2] Kroničar John od Forduna za njega koristi latinsko ime Constantinus Calvus, [3] što se prevodi kao Constantine Ćelavi.

Constantine III
kralj Albe
Vladavina 995–997
Prethodnik Kenneth II
Nasljednik Kenneth III
Kuća Alpin
Otac Cuilén, kralj Albe
Umro/la 997
Rathinveramond kraj Pertha

Pripadao je Kući Alpin, prvoj dinastiji škotskih kraljeva podijeljenoj u dvije loze - potomke Caustantina mac Cinaede i potomke njegovog brata Aeda mac Cinaede - čiji su se predstavnici redovno izmijenjivali na prijestolju. Constantine je pripadao potonjoj lozi. Prema navodima Johna od Forduna, njegov prethodnik Kenneth II je pokušao prekinuti tu tradiciju i krunu neposredno osigurati svojim sinovima. Kenneth II je 995. ubijen; kronike ne navode počinitelja, iako je John od Forduna opisao kako je Constantine sudjelovao u zavjeri. Sam Constantine je poginuo 997. u događaju koji kronike nazivaju "bitka među Škotima". S njim je izumrla Aedova loza, a naslijedio ga je Kenneth III sin kralja Duba, koji je odmah započeo dugogodišnji sukob s bratom Malcolmom II.

Izvori uredi

  1. Sve do viktorijanskog doba se Constantine, sin Áedov navodio kao "Constantine III od Škotske", a ovaj Constantine kao "Constantine IV". Tada su historičari ličnost po imenu Caustantín od Pikta, prethodno nazivanog kao "Constantine I od Škotske", izbrisali sa tradicionalnog popisa škotskih kraljeva pa je ovaj Constantine postao "Constantine III".
  2. Cawley 2011, Aedh.Listing includes all kings descended from him.
  3. Skene, Coronation Stone, p. 93

Literatura uredi

  • Anderson, Alan Orr, Early Sources of Scottish History A.D 500–1286. 1922 edition, Oliver and Boyd.
  • Anderson, Alan Orr, Early Sources of Scottish History A.D 500–1286, volume 1. Reprinted with corrections. Paul Watkins, Stamford, 1990. ISBN 1-871615-03-8
  • Cannon, John, A Dictionary of British History (2009). Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-955037-9
  • Cawley, Charles (24 May 2011). „Medieval Lands Project: Scotland Kings”. Foundation for Medieval Genealogy. Pristupljeno 19 May 2012. 
  • Duncan, A.A.M., The Kingship of the Scots 842–1292: Succession and Independence. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2002. ISBN 0-7486-1626-8
  • Fraser, James Earl, From Caledonia to Pictland: Scotland to 795. Edinburgh University Press, 2009 edition. ISBN 0-7486-1232-7
  • Hudson, Benjamin T. , Prophecy of Berchán: Irish and Scottish High-Kings of the Early Middle Ages. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1996. ISBN 0-313-29567-0
  • Hudson, Benjamin T., The Scottish Gaze. Article included in History, Literature, and Music in Scotland, 700-1560 (2002). University of Toronto Press, 2002. ISBN 0-8020-3601-5
  • Mitchison, Rosalind, A History of Scotland. Routledge, 2002. ISBN 0-415-27880-5
  • Shaw, Robert, Historical Origins (1892). Kessinger Publishing, 2003 reprint. ISBN 0-7661-4978-1
  • Simpson, James Young, "On the Cat-Stane, Kirkliston: Is it not the tombstone of the grandfather of Hengist and Horsa?" (1861). Article included in "Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland" (1861).
  • Skene, William Forbes, Chronicles of the Picts, Chronicles of the Scots: And Other Early Memorials of Scottish History (1867). H. M. General Register House.
  • Skene, William Forbes, The Coronation Stone (March 8, 1869). Article included in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Volume 8 (1871)
  • Skene, William Forbes, John of Fordun's Chronicle of the Scottish nation (1872). Edmonston and Douglas, Edinburgh.
  • Smyth, Alfred P., Warlords and Holy Men: Scotland AD 80-1000. Reprinted, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1998. ISBN 0-7486-0100-7
  • Stenton, F. M., Anglo-Saxon England, 3rd edition, The Oxford History of England 2 (1971). ISBN 0-1982-1716-1
  • Williams, Ann, Smyth, Alfred P., Kirby D. P, A Biographical Dictionary of Dark Age Britain: England, Scotland, and Wales, C. 500-c. 1050 (1991). Routledge, ISBN 1-85264-047-2
  • Woolf, Alex, From Pictland to Alba: 789 - 1070. Edinburgh University Press, 2007. ISBN 0-7486-1234-3
  • Woolf, Alex, Scotland. Article included in "A Companion to the Early Middle Ages: Britain and Ireland, C.500-c.1100" (2009). John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 1-4051-0628-X

Vanjske veze uredi

Constantine III od Škotske
Rođen/a: prije 971 Umro/la: 997
Kraljevske titule
Kenneth II
kralj Škota
Kenneth III