Dumbo – razlika između verzija

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While circus animals are being transported, Mrs. Jumbo, one of the elephants, receives her baby from a [[stork]]. The baby elephant is quickly taunted by the other elephants because of his large ears, and they nickname him "Dumbo".
Dok se cirkuske životinje prevoze, Mrs. Jumbo, jedna od slonica, dobija bebu od [[roda|rode]]. Slonovsku bebu brzo počinju zadirkivati zbog velikih ušiju i daju joj nadimak "Dumbo".
Once the circus is set up, Mrs. Jumbo loses her temper at a group of boys for making fun of her son, and she is locked up and deemed mad. Dumbo is shunned by the other elephants and with no mother to care for him, he is now alone, except for a self-appointed mentor and protector, Timothy Q. Mouse, who feels sympathy for Dumbo and becomes determined to make him happy again.
Kada se cirkus postavi, Mrs. Jumbo gubi živce zbog grupe dječaka koji se izruguju njenom sinu, te je zatvorena i proglašena ludom. Dumbo je izopćen od drugih slonova i nema majku da se brine o njemu; ostaje sam, sa izuzetkom samonametnutog mentora i zaštitnika Timothy Q. Mouse, koji prema njemu osjeća sućut te postaje odlučan da ga pomogno usreći.
The circus director makes Dumbo the top of an elephant pyramid stunt, but Dumbo's ears causes the stunt to go wrong, injuring the other elephants and bringing down the big top. Dumbo is made a clown as a result, and plays the main role in an act that involves him falling into a vat of pie filling. Despite his newfound popularity and fame, Dumbo hates this job and is now more miserable than ever.
Direktor cirkusa tjera Dumboa na vrh piramide slonova, ali zbog Dumbovih ušiju cirkuska točka krene krivo zbog čega se piramida ruši a drugi slonovi ozlijeđeni. Dumbo je zbog toga degradiran u klauna te igra u točki tokom koje pada u bačvu sa filom za pitu. Iako je tako stekao popularnost i slavu, Dumbo mrzi svoj novi posao i nesretniji je nego ikada prije.
To cheer Dumbo up, Timothy takes him to visit his mother. On the way back Dumbo cries and then starts to hiccup so Timothy decides to take him for a drink of water from a bucket which, unknown to him, has accidentally had a bottle of champagne knocked into it. As a result, Dumbo and Timothy both become drunk and see hallucinations of pink elephants (the famous [[Pink Elephants on Parade]] sequence).
Kako bi odobrovoljio Dumboa, Timothy ga vodi posjetiti majku. Dumbo na povratku plače, a zatim počne štucati zbog čega ga Timothy odvede da popije vodu iz vjedra u kome je netko slučajno ispraznio bocu šampanjca. Zbog toga Dumbo i Timothy postanu pijani i haluciniraju ružičaste slonove (što čini znamenitu sekvencu [[Ružičasti slonovi na paradi]]).
The next morning, Dumbo and Timothy wake up in a tree. Timothy wonders how they got up in the tree, and concludes that Dumbo flew up there using his large ears as wings. With the help of a group of crows, Timothy is able to get Dumbo to fly again, using a psychological trick of a "magic feather" to boost his confidence.
Sljedeće jutro se Dumbo i Timothy bude na stablu. Timothy se pita kako su se tamo popeli i zaključuje da je Dumbo tamo doletio koristeći svoje velike uši kao krila. Timothy uz pomoć grupe vrana potakne Dumboa da opet poleti, koristeći psihološki trik "magičnog pera" kako bi mu dao povjerenje u svoje sposobnosti.
Back at the circus, Dumbo must perform his stunt of jumping from a high building, this time from a much higher platform. On the way down, Dumbo loses the feather and Timothy tells him that the feather was never magical, and that he is still able to fly. Dumbo is able to pull out of the dive and flies around the circus, finally striking back at his tormentors as the stunned audience looks on in amazement.
Ponovno u cirkusu, Dumbo mora opet izvesti točku pada sa visoke zgrade, ovaj put s daleko veće visine. Na putu dolje, Dumbo gubi pero, a Timothy mu govori da pero nije bilo magično te da može letjeti. Dumbo uspije zaustaviti sunovrat te leti oko crikusa, konačno se osvećujući svojim mučiteljima dok ga gleda zapanjena publika.
After this performance, Dumbo becomes a media sensation, Timothy becomes his manager, and Dumbo and Mrs. Jumbo are given a private car on the circus train.
Nakon ove izvedbe Dumbo postaje medijska senzacija, Timothy postaje njegov menadžer, a Dumbo i Mrs. Jumbo dobijaju privatne vagone u crikuskom vlaku.