N-Butanol – razlika između verzija

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Red 24:
Butil alkohol<br />
Butil hidrat<br />
Butilic alkohol<br/ />
Butiralkohol<br />
Butirinski alkohol<br />
Red 73:
| MeltingPtC = −90
| BoilingPtC = 118
| Solubility = 73 g L<sup>-1</sup> na 25&nbsp;°C
| LogP = 0,839
| RefractIndex = 1,399 (20 &nbsp;°C)
| Viscosity = 3 cP
| Dipole = 1,66 D
Red 93:
| NFPA-F = 3
| NFPA-R = 0
| FlashPt = 35 &nbsp;°C
| Autoignition = 343 &nbsp;°C
| ExploLimits = 1,4–11,2%
Red 104:
'''''n''-Butanol''' (''n''-butil alkohol'', ''normalni butanol'') je primarni [[alkohol]] sa četvorougljeničnom strukturom i [[molekulska formula|molekulskom formulom]] C<sub>4</sub>H<sub>9</sub>OH. Njegovi [[izomer]]i su [[izobutanol]], [[2-Butanol|2-butanol]], i [[Tert-Butanol|''tert''-butanol]].
''n''-Butanol se prirodno javlja kao manje zastupljeni proizvod [[Alkoholno vrenje|fermentacije]] [[šećer]]a i drugih [[ugljeni hidrat|ugljenih hidrata]],<ref>{{citation | last1 = Hazelwood | first1 = Lucie A. | last2 = Daran | first2 = Jean-Marc | last3 = van Maris | first3 = Antonius J. A. | last4 = Pronk | first4 = Jack T. | last5 = Dickinson | first5 = J. Richard | title = The Ehrlich pathway for fusel alcohol production: a century of research on ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' metabolism | journal = Appl. Environ. Microbiol. | volume = 74 | issue = 8 | pages = 2259–66 | year = 2008 | pmid = 18281432 | pmc = 2293160 | doi = 10.1128/AEM.02625-07 | url = http://aem.asm.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=18281432}}.</ref> i prisutan je u mnogim vrstama hrane i pića.<ref name="EHC">{{EHC-ref | id = 65 | name = Butanols: four isomers | date = 1987 | isbn = 92-4-154265-9}}.</ref><ref name="SIDS">{{SIDS-ref | name = ''n''-Butanol | id = 71363 | date = April 2005}}.</ref> On se takođe koristi kao veštačka aroma,<ref>21 C.F.R. § 172.515; 42 FR 14491, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended.</ref> u [[puter]]u, kremovima, [[rum]]u, [[viski]]ju, [[sladoled|sladoledu]]u, [[bombona]]ma, i pecivu.<ref>{{citation | last1 = Hall | first1 = R. L. | last2 = Oser | first2 = B. L. | year = 1965 | title = Recent progress in the consideration of flavouring ingredients under the food additives amendement. III. Gras substances | journal = Food Technol. | page = 151}}, cited in {{EHC-ref | id = 65 | name = Butanols: four isomers | date = 1987 | isbn = 92-4-154265-9}}.</ref> It is also used in a wide range of consumer products.<ref name="EHC"/>
== Reference ==
== Spoljašnje veze ==
* {{ICSC-lat|0111|01}}
* {{PGCH-lat|0076}}
* {{SIDS|name=''n''-Butanol|id=71363|date=April 2005}}
* {{EHC-lat|65|name=Butanols: four isomers}}