Offa od Mercije – razlika između verzija

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Red 17:
'''Offa''' (? - jul 796) je bio kralj [[Mercija|Mercije]] od 757. do svoje smrti u julu 796. Bio je sin Thingfritha i potomak [[Eowa od Mercije|Eowe]], a na prijestolje je došao nakon građanskog rata uzrokovanim ubistvom kralja [[Aethelbald od Mercije|Æthelbalda]], odnosno nakon što je porazio pretendenta [[Beornred od Mercije|Beornreda]]. Historičari vjeruju da je prve godine vladavine proveo konsolidirajući svoju vlast nad današnjim Midlandom, i to tako da je pokorio plemena/klanove [[Hwicce]] i [[Magonsæte]]. Iskoristio je metež u [[Kraljevina Kent|Kraljevini Kent]] kako bi sebe nametnuo kao njenog sizerena, a do 771. je zavladao i [[Kraljevina Sussex|Sussexom]], iako su se protiv njegove vlasti u obje oblast dizali ustanci. 780-ih je uspostavio [[Merciajska nadmoć|mercijsku hegemoniju]] nad većinom današnje južne Engleske, sklopivši savez sa kraljem [[Beorhtric od Wessexa|Beorhtricom od Wessexa]], koji se oženio za Offinu kćer [[Eadburh]]; time je stekao kompletnu kontrolu nad jugoistokom Engleske. Također je postao sizerenom [[Kraljevina Istočna Anglija|Istočne Anglije]] i vlast nad tim područjem godine 794. potvrdio davši odrubiti glavu tamošnjem kralju [[Æthelberht II od Istočne Anglije|Aethelberhtu II]], vjerojatno zbog pokušaja pobune.
Offa je bio kršćanin, ali se često sukobljavao sa Crkvom, posebno sa [[Jaenberht]]om, [[nadbiskup Canterburyja|nadbiskupa Canterburyja]]. Offa je taj problem riješio nagovorivši [[hadrijan I.|papu Hadrijana I]] da nadbiskupiju Canterbury podijeli nadvoje, stvorivši novu nadbiskupiju Lichfield. Pretpostavlja se da je to bilo posljedica Offine želje da nadbiskup pomaže njegovog sina [[Ecgfrith od Mercije|Ecgfritha]] kao kralja; ceremonija je na kraju obavljena godine 787. Offa je također bio u sporu sa [[biskup Worcestera|biskupom Worcestera]] koji je razriješen Saborom u [[Brentford]]u 781.
Iz Offinog doba potiču brojne kovanice na kome se nalaze prikazi Offinog lika, u mnogo čemu superiorni slikama na kovanicama njegovih franačkih suvremenika. Na nekima od njih je prikazana njegova supruga [[Cynethryth]]—jedina anglosaksonska kraljica čiji se lik našao na kovanici.
Mnogi historičari smatraju Offu najmoćnijim [[Anglosaksonci|anglosaksonskim]] kraljem prije [[Alfred Veliki|Alfreda Velikog]]. Njegova vlast se, doduše, nije proširila na [[Nortumbrija|Northumbriju]], iako je 792. svoju kćer [[Ælfflæd od Mercije|Ælfflæd]] dao udati za northumbrijskog kralja [[Æthelred I od Northumbrije|Æthelred I]]. Njegovu vladavinu su historičari često opisivali kao dio procesa sa ciljem ujedinjenja Engleska, ali danas većina smatra da je bio motiviran željom za vlašću, a ne nekim dubljim motivima. <ref name=BEASE_340>Simon Keynes, "Offa", in ''Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England'', p.&nbsp;340.</ref> Offa je umro 796. i naslijedio ga je sin [[Ecgfrith od Mercije|Ecgfrith]], koji je vladao samo pet mjeseci prije nego što je [[Coenwulf od Mercije]] postao kralj.
== Izvori ==
=== Fusnote ===
=== Literatura ===
;Primarni izvori
* {{cite web |url= |title=Medieval Sourcebook: The Annales Cambriae (Annals of Wales) |accessdate = 17. 12. 2007. |work=Annales Cambriae|publisher=[[College of Staten Island]], [[City University of New York]]}}
* {{Cite book |last= Keynes|first= Simon|coauthors= Lapidge, Michael|title= Alfred the Great: Asser's Life of King Alfred and other contemporary sources|year= 2004|publisher= Penguin Classics|isbn=0-14-044409-2 |ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book |last= Bede|authorlink= Bede|title= [[Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum|Ecclesiastical History of the English People]]|others= Translated by Leo Sherley-Price, revised R.E. Latham, ed. D.H. Farmer|location= London|publisher= Penguin|year= 1991|isbnid=ISBN 0-14-044565-X|ref=harv}}
* {{cite web |url= |title=Offa 7 (Male) |accessdate = 06. 04. 2007. |work=Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England|publisher=[[King's College London]]}} {{Dead link|date=September 2010|bot=H3llBot}}
* {{Cite book |last= Swanton|first= Michael|title= The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle|year= 1996| location=New York|publisher= Routledge|isbn=0-415-92129-5|ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book |last=Whitelock|first=Dorothy|title=English Historical Documents v. 1 c. 500–1042|year=1968|location=London|publisher=Eyre & Spottiswoode|ref=harv}}
;Sekundarni izvori
* Abels, Richard, "''Trinoda Necessitas''", in {{cite book |last=Lapidge|first=Michael|title=The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England|year=1999|location=Oxford|publisher=Blackwell Publishing|isbn=0-631-22492-0}}
* Blackburn, Mark & Grierson, Philip, ''Medieval European Coinage.'' Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, reprinted with corrections 2006. ISBN 0-521-03177-X
* {{Cite book |last= Blair|first= John|title=The Church in Anglo-Saxon Society|year= 2006|publisher= Oxford University Press|location=Oxford|isbn=0-19-921117-5|ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book |last= Brown|first= Michelle P.|coauthors= Farr, Carole A.|title=Mercia: An Anglo-Saxon kingdom in Europe|year= 2001|publisher= Continuum|isbn=0-8264-7765-8|ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book |last= Campbell|first= James|title=The Anglo-Saxon State|year= 2000|publisher= Hambledon and London|isbn=0-85285-176-7|ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book |last= Campbell|first= John|coauthors= John, Eric & Wormald, Patrick|title=The Anglo-Saxons|year= 1991|publisher= Penguin Books|isbn=0-14-014395-5|ref=harv}}
* Featherstone, Peter, "The Tribal Hidage and the Ealdormen of Mercia", in {{cite book |last= Brown|first= Michelle P.|coauthors= Farr, Carole A.|title=Mercia: An Anglo-Saxon kingdom in Europe|year= 2001|publisher= Continuum|isbn=0-8264-7765-8}}
* {{Cite book |last= Fletcher|first= Richard|title=Who's Who in Roman Britain and Anglo-Saxon England|year= 1989|publisher= Shepheard-Walwyn|isbn=0-85683-089-5|ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book |last=Gannon |first=Anna |title=The Iconography of Early Anglo-Saxon Coinage: Sixth to Eighth Centuries |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford |year=2003 |isbn=0-19-925465-6 |postscript=<!--None--> |ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book |last=Hunter Blair |first=Peter |title=An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England |publisher=Cambridge University Press |location=Cambridge |year=1977 |edition=2nd |isbn=0-521-29219-0 |postscript=<!--None--> |ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book |last= Hunter Blair|first= Peter|title= Roman Britain and Early England: 55 B.C. &ndash; A.D. 871|year= 1966| location=New York|publisher= W.W. Norton & Company|isbn=0-393-00361-2|ref=harv}}
* Keynes, Simon, "Cynethryth", in {{cite book |last=Lapidge|first=Michael|title=The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England|year=1999|location=Oxford|publisher=Blackwell Publishing|isbn=0-631-22492-0}}
* idem, "Mercia", in {{cite book |last=Lapidge|first=Michael|title=The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England|year=1999|location=Oxford|publisher=Blackwell Publishing|isbn=0-631-22492-0}}
* idem, "Offa", in {{cite book |last=Lapidge|first=Michael|title=The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England|year=1999|location=Oxford|publisher=Blackwell Publishing|isbn=0-631-22492-0}}
* idem, "Mercia and Wessex in the Ninth Century", in {{cite book |last= Brown|first= Michelle P.|coauthors= Farr, Carole A.|title=Mercia: An Anglo-Saxon kingdom in Europe|year= 2001|publisher= Continuum|isbn=0-8264-7765-8}}
* {{Cite book |last= Keynes|first= Simon|coauthors= Michael Lapidge|title= Alfred the Great: Asser's Life of King Alfred and other contemporary sources|year= 2004|publisher= Penguin Classics |isbn=0-14-044409-2|ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book |last= Kirby|first= D.P.|title=The Earliest English Kings|year= 1992|location=London|publisher= Routledge|isbn=0-415-09086-5|ref=harv}}
* Lapidge, Michael, "Alcuin of York", in {{cite book |last=Lapidge|first=Michael|title=The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England|year=1999|location=Oxford|publisher=Blackwell Publishing|isbn=0-631-22492-0}}
* {{Cite book |last=Lapidge|first=Michael|title=The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England|year=1999|location=Oxford|publisher=Blackwell Publishing|isbn=0-631-22492-0|ref=harv}}
* Nelson, Janet, "Carolingian Contacts", in {{cite book |last= Brown|first= Michelle P.|coauthors= Farr, Carole A.|title=Mercia: An Anglo-Saxon kingdom in Europe|year= 2001|publisher= Continuum|isbn=0-8264-7765-8}}
* Stafford, Pauline, "Political Women in Mercia, Eighth to Early Tenth Centuries", in {{cite book |last= Brown|first= Michelle P.|coauthors= Farr, Carole A.|title=Mercia: An Anglo-Saxon kingdom in Europe|year= 2001|publisher= Continuum|isbn=0-8264-7765-8}}
* {{Cite book |last= Stenton|first= Frank M.| authorlink = Frank Stenton|title= Anglo-Saxon England|year= 1971| location=Oxford|publisher= Clarendon Press|isbn=0-19-821716-1|ref=harv}}
* Williams, Gareth, "Mercian Coinage and Authority", in {{cite book |last= Brown|first= Michelle P.|coauthors= Farr, Carole A.|title=Mercia: An Anglo-Saxon kingdom in Europe|year= 2001|publisher= Continuum|isbn=0-8264-7765-8}}
* idem, "Military Institutions and Royal Power", in {{cite book |last= Brown|first= Michelle P.|coauthors= Farr, Carole A.|title=Mercia: An Anglo-Saxon kingdom in Europe|year= 2001|publisher= Continuum|isbn=0-8264-7765-8}}
* Wormald, Patrick, "The Age of Offa and Alcuin", in {{cite book |last= Campbell|first= John|coauthors= John, Eric & Wormald, Patrick|title=The Anglo-Saxons|year= 1991|publisher= Penguin Books|isbn=0-14-014395-5}}
* {{Cite book |last= Wormald|first=Patrick|coauthors=Bullough, D. & Collins, R.|title=Ideal and Reality in Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Society|year= 1983|location=Oxford| isbn=0-631-12661-9. |publisher= B. Blackwell |ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book |last= Yorke|first=Barbara|title=Kings and Kingdoms of Early Anglo-Saxon England|year= 1990|location=London|publisher= Seaby|isbn=1-85264-027-8|ref=harv}}
* Worthington, Margaret, "Offa's Dyke", in {{cite book |last=Lapidge|first=Michael|title=The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England|year=1999|location=Oxford|publisher=Blackwell Publishing|isbn=0-631-22492-0}}
* eadem, "Wat's Dyke", in {{cite book |last=Lapidge|first=Michael|title=The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England|year=1999|location=Oxford|publisher=Blackwell Publishing|isbn=0-631-22492-0}}
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