Omega-6 masna kiselina – razlika između verzija

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Nova stranica: {{Fats}} 375px|thumb|[[Hemijska struktura linoleinske kiseline, rasprostranjene ''n''−6 masne kiseline nađene u mnogim bi...
mNema sažetka izmjene
Red 30:
| pmid = 16841858
| url =
| date = 1. 6. 2006.-06-01 }}</ref><ref
name="Okuyama2007">{{cite journal
| author = Okuyama Hirohmi, Ichikawa, Yuko; Sun, Yueji; Hamazaki, Tomohito; Lands, William E.M.
Red 44:
Moderna zapadna ishrana tipični ima odnos ''n''−6 ka ''n''−3 veći od 10 na 1, nekad i do 30 na 1. Smatra se da je optimalni odnos 4 na 1 ili manje.<ref name="daley2004">{{cite journal | author = Daley C.A., Abbott, A.; Doyle, P.; Nader, G.; and Larson, S. | title = A literature review of the value-added nutrients found in grass-fed beef products | publisher = California State University, Chico (College of Agriculture) | year = 2004 | url = | accessdate = 23. 3. 2008.-03-23}}</ref><ref name="simopoulos2002">{{cite journal | author = Simopoulos Artemis P. | title = The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids | journal = Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy | volume = 56 | issue = 8 | pages=365-379 | year = 2002 | month = October | pmid = 12442909 | doi = 10.1016/S0753-3322(02)00253-6}}</ref>
== Prehrambeni izvori ==
Red 142:
| journal = British Medical Journal Rapid Responses to Hooper, ''et al.'', 2006
| url =
| date = 27. 3. 2006.-03-27
| accessdate = 23. 3. 2008.-03-23}}