Philip Henry Gosse

Philip Henry Gosse[1] (6. april, 181023. august 1888.) bio je engleski prirodoslovac i popularizator prirodnih znanosti, pronalazač suvremenog podvodnog akvarija te jedan od pionira morske biologije. Gosse je također poznat kao autor Omphalosa, knjige koja je pokušala pomiriti teoriju dugih geoloških doba Charlesa Lyella s biblijskim navodima o Postanju. Gosse je nakon smrti prikazan kao despot i vjerski fanatik u Father and Son (1907), hvaljenom književnom djelu koje je napisao njegov sin Edmund.

Philip Henry Gosse

Philip Henry Gosse 1855. godine
Rođenje 6. april 1810.
Smrt23. august 1888.
Torquay, Torbay
ReligijaPlymouthska braća

Izabrana bibliiografija

  • The Canadian Naturalist: a series of conversations on the natural history of Lower Canada (1840).
  • An Introduction to Zoology (1844).
  • The Ocean (1844), ponovno izdanje 1874. pod naslovom The Wonders of the Great Deep; or, the physical, animal, geological and vegetable curiosities of the ocean.
  • The Birds of Jamaica (1847)
  • The Monuments of Ancient Egypt, and their relation to the Word of God (1847).
  • Natural History. Mammalia (1848).
  • Popular Ornithology; containing a familiar and technical description of the Birds of the British Isles (1849).
  • Illustrations of the Birds of Jamaica (1849).
  • Natural History. Birds (1849).
  • The Ancient and Modern History of the Rivers of the Bible (1850).
  • Natural History. Reptiles (1850).
  • A Naturalist’s Sojourn in Jamaica (1851).
  • The History of the Jews from the Christian Era to the dawn of the Reformation (1851).
  • Natural History. Fishes (1851).
  • The History of the Jews, from the Christian era to the dawn of the Reformation (1851).
  • A Text-book of Zoology for schools (1851).
  • Assyria: her manners and customs, arts and aims. Restored from the monuments (1852).
  • Popular British Ornithology... (1853).
  • Naturalist Rambles on the Devonshire Coast (1853).
  • The Aquarium: an unveiling of the wonders of the deep sea (1854).
  • Natural History. Mollusca (1854).
  • A Handbook to the Marine Aquarium: containing Instructions for constructing, stocking, and maintaining a tank, and for collecting plants and animals (1855).
  • Manual of Marine Zoology for the British Isles (1855-1856).
  • Tenby (1856).
  • A Memorial of the Last Days on Earth of Emily Gosse (1857)
  • Omphalos: an attempt to untie the geological knot. (1857), modern editions in 1998 and 2003.
  • Life in its Lower, Intermediate, and Higher Forms; or, manifestations of the divine wisdom in the natural history of animals (1857).
  • Actinologia Britannica: a history of the British Sea-Anemones and Corals. (1858-60).
  • Evenings at the Microscope: or, researches among the minute organs and forms of animal life (1859).
  • Letters from Alabama, chiefly relating to Natural History (1859).
  • The Romance of Natural History (1860-61).
  • A Year at the Shore (1865).
  • Land and Sea (1865).
  • The Revelation. How is it to be interpreted ? (1866).
  • Imperial Bible-Dictionary (104 članka) (1866)
  • The Mysteries of God: a series of expositions of Holy Scripture (1884).


  1. Gosse je kod svojih prijatelja bio poznatiji kao "Henry" nego "Philip." Ann Thwaite, Glimpses of the Wonderful: The Life of Philip Henry Gosse, 1810-1888 (London: Faber & Faber, 2002), xix.