Peter Ackroyd
Peter Ackroyd ( East Acton, London, 5.10. 1949.) je engleski pisac.
Peter Ackroyd | |
Biografske informacije | |
Rođenje | East Acton, London, Engleska |
Nacionalnost | ![]() |
Obrazovanje | |
Zanimanje | pisac |

Odrastao je kod samohrane majke koja je radila u personalnom odjelu inženjerske firme. Bio je prilično nadareno dijete, te je s pet godina stekao naviku čitanja novina, a već s devet godina je napisao svoju prvu dramu, posvećenu Guyu Fawkesu. Kasnije se obrazovao na Cambridgeu i Yaleu.
Od 1973. do 1977. je radio za časopis The Spectator, da bi ga kasnije i uređivao.
Ispočetka je pisao poeziju, da bi se kasnije prebacio na prozu, pri čemu mu je omiljeni motiv bila historija, i to pogotovo historija engleske književnosti i umjetnosti. Njegovo najpoznatije djelo je London: The Biography, knjiga posvećena historiji Londona, koja je adaptirana u BBC-jevu igrano-dokumentarnu TV-seriju. Osim po njoj, Ackroyd je zapažen i po seriji historijskih knjiga Voyages Through Time posvećenoj mladom uzrastu.
uredi- The Great Fire of London – 1982
- The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde – 1983
- Hawksmoor – 1985
- Chatterton – 1987 (kandidat za Bookerovu nagradu, 1987)
- First Light – 1989
- English Music – 1992
- The House of Doctor Dee – 1993
- Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem – 1994 (također izdana kao The Trial of Elizabeth Cree)
- Milton in America – 1996
- The Plato Papers – 1999
- The Clerkenwell Tales – 2003
- The Lambs of London – 2004
- The Fall of Troy – 2006
uredi- Notes for a New Culture: An Essay on Modernism – 1976
- Dressing Up: Transvestism and Drag: The History of an Obsession – 1979
- T. S. Eliot: A Life – 1984
- Dickens' London: An Imaginative Vision – 1987
- The Life of Thomas More – 1988
- Ezra Pound and his World – 1989 ISBN 0-500-13069-8
- Dickens – 1990
- An Introduction to Dickens – 1991
- Blake – 1996
- London: The Biography – 2000
- Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination – 2002
- Chaucer (prva knjiga u planiranoj seriji Ackroyd's Brief Lives) – 2005
- Shakespeare: The Biography – 2005
- Turner (druga knjiga u seriji 'Brief Lives' series) – 2006
- Newton (treća knjiga u seriji 'Brief Lives') – 2007
- Thames: Sacred River – 2007
Dječja publicistika (Serija Voyages Through Time)
uredi- The Beginning – 2003
- Escape From Earth – 2004
- Kingdom of the Dead – 2004
- Cities of Blood – 2004
- Ancient Greece – 2005
- Ancient Rome – 2005
urediTelevizijski nastupi
uredi- 2004, London (TV serija)
- 2006 The Romantics
- 2007 London Visions, (dokumentarna serija) Artsworlda. V. recenziju here[mrtav link].
Vanjske veze
urediPodaci o piscu
uredi- Peter Ackroyd na Internet Book List
- Peter Ackroyd na the Internet Book Database of Fiction
- Peter Ackroyd na Internet Speculative Fiction Database
- A more in-depth biography
- Guardian Books "Author Page", with profile and links to further articles.
uredi- Excerpt from London: The Biography
- Another excerpt from London: The Biography
- Excerpt: Shakespeare on CBC Words at Large
uredi- "The man who invented Arthur" Arhivirano 2005-12-25 na Wayback Machine-u - The Times - 13.8. 2005.
- Članak o Thomasu Maloryju.
- "Undercover in mother Russia"[mrtav link] - The Sunday Times - 26.11. 2006.
- Putopis o Moskvi.
uredi- Shakespeare, Review[mrtav link] by John Carey - The Times, 18.9. 2005.
- Newton, Review[mrtav link] by Nigel Hawkes - The Times, 22.4. 2006.
- The Clerkenwell Tales. Review - The Telegraph, 4.8. 2003.
Ackroydove recenzije drugih pisaca i umjetnika
uredi- "Peter Ackroyd on the Thames"[mrtav link]: a review in the TLS by Rosemary Ashton, October 21 2007
- The Nativity: History and Legend Arhivirano 2008-02-10 na Wayback Machine-u by Geza Vermes - The Times - 23.12. 2006.
- London: City of Disappearances Arhivirano 2008-07-24 na Wayback Machine-u edited by Iain Sinclair - The Times - 7.10. 2006
- The Friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge[mrtav link] by Adam Sisman - The Times - 11.11. 2006
- The Devil's Doctor: Paracelsus and the World of Renaissance Magic and Science[mrtav link] by Philip Ball - The Times - 21.1. 2006
- Paris: The Secret History[mrtav link] by Andrew Hussey - The Times
- Further book reviews at The Times available via this Google search.
uredi- Called to the Bard[mrtav link] - The Times - 20.8. 2005
- Interview with Ackroyd, discussing Shakespeare.
- A 1991 interview on Charles Dickens with Peter Ackroyd Arhivirano 2013-03-09 na Wayback Machine-u by Don Swaim at Wired for Books