Normansko osvajanje Južne Italije
Normansko osvajanje Južne Italije označava oružane sukobe i uz njih povezane političke događaje u Južnoj Italiji u 11. i 12. vijeku, vezanih uz aktivnosti Normana koji su na to područje došli ispočetka kao najamnici u službi Langobara i Bizantinci, a potom počeli sticati feudalna lena koja će se s vremenom pretvarati u države, konačno ujedinjene u Kraljevinu Siciliju, koja je obuhvatila ne samo cijelu Južnu Italiju (s izuzetkom Beneventa), nego i Maltu i manje dijelove Sjeverne Afrike. Za taj proces je karakteristično da iza njega nije stajala planska aktivnost niti jedan vođa, nego manje grupe oportunističkih pojedinaca koje su kroz nekoliko decenija manjih borbi, često s promjenjivim ishodom, uspjele stvoriti vlastite političke entitete i steći de facto, a potom i de iure nezavisnost od svojih bivših poslodavaca i formalnih feudalnih sizerena. Ti su se entiteti tek postepeno počeli ujedinjavati pod jednu vlast. Normansko osvajanje je imalo značajne posljedice po historiju Italije i Evrope općenito. Njime je nakon pola milenijuma uklonjen posljednji trag bizantske vlasti iz Italije, a isto tako i Sicilijanski Emirat, odnosno islam s područja današnje Italije.

uredi- Primarni izvori
- Leeds University Medieval History Texts Centre Arhivirano 2011-08-31 na Wayback Machine-u, with primary sources available in translation under the heading "The Norman Kingdom of Sicily"
- Gaufredo Malaterra, De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius at The Latin Library
- William of Apulia, Gesta Roberti Wiscardi at The Latin Library
- Lupus Protospatarius Barensis, Rerum in regno Neapolitano gestarum breve chronicon, ab anno sal. 860 vsque ad 1102 at The Latin Library
- Van Houts, Elizabeth. The Normans in Europe. Manchester, 2000.
- Sekundarni izvori
- Bachrach, Bernard S. "On the Origins of William the Conqueror's Horse Transports." Technology and Culture, Vol. 26, No. 3. (Jul., 1985), pp. 505–531.
- Chalandon, Ferdinand. Histoire de la domination normande en Italie et en Sicilie. Paris: 1907.
- Loud, Graham Alexander. "Coinage, Wealth and Plunder in the Age of Robert Guiscard." English Historical Review, Vol. 114, No. 458. (Sep., 1999), pp. 815–843.
- Loud, Graham Alexander. "Continuity and change in Norman Italy: the Campania during the eleventh and twelfth centuries." Journal of Medieval History, Vol. 22, No. 4 (December, 1996), pp. 313–343.
- Loud, Graham Alexander. "How 'Norman' was the Norman Conquest of Southern Italy?" Nottingham Medieval Studies, Vol. 25 (1981), pp. 13–34.
- Loud, Graham Alexander. The Age of Robert Guiscard: Southern Italy and the Norman Conquest. Essex, 2000.
- France, John. "The Occasion of the Coming of the Normans to Italy." Journal of Medieval History, Vol. 17 (1991), pp. 185–205.
- Gay, Jules. L'Italie méridionale et l'empire Byzantin: Livre II. Burt Franklin: New York, 1904.
- Gravett, Christopher, and Nicolle, David. The Normans: Warrior Knights and their Castles. Osprey Publishing: Oxford, 2006.
- Houben, Hubert (translated by Graham A. Loud and Diane Milburn). Roger II of Sicily: Ruler between East and West. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
- Jamison, Evelyn. "The Norman Administration of Apulia and Capua, more especially under Roger II and William I". Papers of the British School at Rome, VI (1917), pp. 265–270.
- Joranson, Einar. "The Inception of the Career of the Normans in Italy: Legend and History." Speculum, Vol. 23, No. 3. (Jul., 1948), pp. 353–396.
- Matthew, Donald. The Norman Kingdom of Sicily. Cambridge University Press, 1992.
- Norwich, John Julius. The Normans in the South 1016-1130. London: Longman, 1967.
- Norwich, John Julius. The Kingdom in the Sun 1130-1194. London: Longman, 1970.
- Skinner, Patricia. Family Power in Southern Italy: The Duchy of Gaeta and its Neighbours, 850-1139. Cambridge University Press: 1995.
Vanjske veze
uredi- The Normans, a European People Arhivirano 2012-02-05 na Wayback Machine-u, by the European Commission