Lista NBA igrača (P–Q)
Ovo je lista igrača američke NBA lge čije prezime počinje slovima P i Q.
Popisi sadrže i igrače iz američke Nacionalne košarkaške lige (NBL), Košarkaške asocijacije Amerike (BAA) i izvornog Američkog košarkaškog saveza (ABA). Sve su ove lige doprinijele stvaranju današnje NBA.
Imena igrača koji su igrali u NBL-u prije spajanja s BAA 1949. godine istaknuta su kurzivom, s obzirom da se oni obično ne nalaze u službenim registrima NBA lige.
uredi- Joe Pace
- Robert Pack
- Wayne Pack
- Zaza Pačulija
- Gerald Paddio
- Scott Padgett
- Dana Pagett
- Marcus Paige
- Fred Paine
- Milt Palacio
- Togo Palazzi
- Bud Palmer
- Errol Palmer
- Jim Palmer
- Walter Palmer
- Andy Panko
- Jorgos Papajanis
- Kostas Papanikolau
- Jannero Pargo
- Jeremy Pargo
- Easy Parham
- Robert Parish
- Med Park
- Anthony Parker
- Jabari Parker
- Smush Parker
- Sonny Parker
- Tony Parker
- Barry Parkhill
- Jack Parkinson
- Charles Parks
- Cherokee Parks
- Rich Parks
- Jack Parr
- Doyle Parrack
- Eddie Parry
- Charlie Parsley
- Bob Parsons
- Chandler Parsons
- Eric Paschall
- Anžejs Pasečņiks
- Pete Pasko
- Žarko Paspalj
- Marty Passaglia
- George Pastushok
- Joe Patanelli
- Myles Patrick
- Stan Patrick
- Andrae Patterson
- George Patterson
- Lamar Patterson
- Patrick Patterson
- Ray Patterson
- Ruben Patterson
- Steve Patterson
- Tom Patterson
- Worthy Patterson
- Justin Patton
- Brandon Paul
- Chris Paul
- Charlie Paulk
- Jerry Paulson
- Billy Paultz
- Aleksandar Pavlović
- Johnny Pawk
- Steve Pawk
- Jim Paxson
- Jim Paxson, Sr.
- John Paxson
- John Payak
- Adreian Payne
- Cameron Payne
- Kenny Payne
- Tom Payne
- Elfrid Payton
- Gary Payton
- Gary Payton II
- Mel Payton
- George Pearcy
- Henry Pearcy
- Wiley Peck
- Oleksij Pečerov
- Pete Pederson
- Rich Peek
- Anthony Peeler
- George Peeples
- Nikola Peković
- Jake Pelkington
- Norvel Pelle
- Sam Pellom
- Mike Penberthy
- Jerry Pender
- Desmond Penigar
- Kirk Penney
- Mike Peplowski
- Will Perdue
- William Perigo
- Kendrick Perkins
- Sam Perkins
- Warren Perkins
- Kosta Perović
- London Perrantes
- Aulcie Perry
- Charles Perry
- Curtis Perry
- Elliot Perry
- Ron Perry
- Tim Perry
- Chuck Person
- Wesley Person
- Alec Peters
- Jim Petersen
- Loy Petersen
- Bob Peterson
- Ed Peterson
- Mel Peterson
- Morris Peterson
- Geoff Petrie
- Johan Petro
- Dražen Petrović
- Richard Petruška
- Bob Pettit
- Jerry Pettway
- Tony Peyton
- Squint Phares
- Roger Phegley
- Jack Phelan
- Jim Phelan
- Derrick Phelps
- Mike Phelps
- Andy Phillip
- Bob Phillips
- Eddie Phillips
- Gary Phillips
- Gene Phillips
- Willie Phillips
- Bobby Phills
- Jack Piana
- Eric Piatkowski
- Walt Piatkowski
- Paul Pierce
- Ricky Pierce
- Stan Pietkiewicz
- Mickaël Piétrus
- John Pilch
- Ed Pinckney
- Kevinn Pinkney
- John Pinone
- Theo Pinson
- Dave Piontek
- Tom Piotrowski
- Scottie Pippen
- Charles Pittman
- Dexter Pittman
- Woody Pitzer
- Eric Plahn
- Zoran Planinić
- Tibor Pleiß
- Marshall Plumlee
- Mason Plumlee
- Miles Plumlee
- Gary Plummer
- Pavel Podkoljzin
- Vincent Poirier
- Dwayne Polee
- Jim Pollard
- Scot Pollard
- Ralph Polson
- Jakob Pöltl
- Olden Polynice
- John Poncar
- Cliff Pondexter
- Quincy Pondexter
- Shamorie Ponds
- Jordan Poole
- David Pope
- Mark Pope
- Dave Popson
- Ben Poquette
- Chris Porter
- Howard Porter
- Kevin Porter
- Kevin Porter Jr.
- Michael Porter Jr.
- Otto Porter
- Terry Porter
- Willie Porter
- Bobby Portis
- Bob Portman
- Kristaps Porziņģis
- Johnny Posewitz
- Scoop Posewitz
- James Posey
- Lou Possner
- Lavor Postell
- John Postley
- Vitaljij Potapenko
- Leon Powe
- Cincy Powell
- Dwight Powell
- Josh Powell
- Kasib Powell
- Norman Powell
- Longie Powell
- Roger Powell
- Alex Poythress
- Marlbert Pradd
- Erv Prasse
- Mike Pratt
- Pete Preboske
- Paul Pressey
- Phil Pressey
- Babe Pressley
- Dominic Pressley
- Harold Pressley
- Steve Previs
- A. J. Price
- Al Price
- Bernie Price
- Brent Price
- Jim Price
- Mark Price
- Mike Price
- Paul Price
- Ronnie Price
- Tony Price
- Bob Priddy
- Pablo Prigioni
- Taurean Prince
- Tayshaun Prince
- John Pritchard
- Kevin Pritchard
- Lorvin Proctor
- Cy Proffitt
- Laron Profit
- Joe Proksa
- Gabe Pruitt
- Red Pryor
- Joel Przybilla
- Les Pugh
- Roy Pugh
- Anthony Pullard
- Jacob Pullen
- Rodney Purvis
- Don Putman
- Scoop Putnam
uredi- NBA & ABA Players with Last Names Starting with P and Q @
- NBL Players with Last Names Starting with P and Q @