Lista NBA igrača (K)
Ovo je lista igrača američke NBA lge čije prezime počinje slovom K.
Popisi sadrže i igrače iz američke Nacionalne košarkaške lige (NBL), Košarkaške asocijacije Amerike (BAA) i izvornog Američkog košarkaškog saveza (ABA). Sve su ove lige doprinijele stvaranju današnje NBA.
Imena igrača koji su igrali u NBL-u prije spajanja s BAA 1949. godine istaknuta su kurzivom, s obzirom da se oni obično ne nalaze u službenim registrima NBA lige.
uredi- Mfiondu Kabengele
- Whitey Kachan
- George Kaftan
- Ed Kalafat
- Nik Kalates
- Chris Kaman
- Frank Kaminsky
- Enes Kanter
- Ralph Kaplowitz
- Jason Kapono
- Tony Kappen
- Sergej Karasov
- Coby Karl
- George Karl
- Tony Kaseta
- Ed Kasid
- Omri Kaspi
- Mario Kasun
- Leo Katkaveck
- Bob Kauffman
- Sasha Kaun
- Wibs Kautz
- Clarence Kea
- Mike Kearns
- Tommy Kearns
- Adam Keefe
- Harold Keeling
- Billy Keller
- Gary Keller
- Jack Keller
- Ken Keller
- Rich Kelley
- Clark Kellogg
- Arvesta Kelly
- Jerry Kelly
- Ryan Kelly
- Tom Kelly
- Tony Kelly
- Greg Kelser
- Ben Kelso
- Shawn Kemp
- Tim Kempton
- Frank Kendrick
- Luke Kennard
- Bill Kennedy
- D. J. Kennedy
- Goo Kennedy
- Joe Kennedy
- Larry Kenney
- Larry Kenon
- Bill Kenville
- Jonathan Kerner
- Johnny Kerr
- Steve Kerr
- Jack Kerris
- Jerome Kersey
- Tom Kerwin
- Alec Kessler
- Robert Kessler
- Paul Kessy
- Lari Ketner
- Julius Keye
- Randolph Keys
- Jason Kidd
- Stanton Kidd
- Warren Kidd
- Michael Kidd-Gilchrist
- Irv Kiffin
- Jack Kiley
- Earnie Killum
- Carl Kilpatrick
- Sean Kilpatrick
- Toby Kimball
- Bo Kimble
- Stan Kimbrough
- Chad Kinch
- Albert King
- Bernard King
- Chris King
- Dan King
- Dolly King
- Frankie King
- George King (r. 1928.)
- George King (r. 1994.)
- Gerard King
- Jim King
- Jimmy King
- Leroy King
- Louis King
- Loyd King
- Maurice King
- Reggie King
- Rich King
- Ron King
- Stacey King
- Tom King
- Willie King
- Bob Kinney
- Joe Kinney
- Tarence Kinsey
- Andrej Kiriljenko
- Alex Kirk
- Walt Kirk
- Wilbur Kirkland
- Jim Kissane
- Doug Kistler
- Curtis Kitchen
- Greg Kite
- Bob Kitterman
- Kerry Kittles
- Maxi Kleber
- Dick Klein
- Joe Kleine
- Linas Kleiza
- Leo Klier
- Louis Klotz
- Duane Klueh
- Lonnie Kluttz
- Billy Knight
- Bob Knight
- Brandin Knight
- Brandon Knight
- Brevin Knight
- Negele Knight
- Ron Knight
- Toby Knight
- Travis Knight
- Buzz Knoblauch
- Lee Knorek
- Dick Knostman
- Rod Knowles
- Kevin Knox
- Bart Kofoed
- Don Kojis
- Eddie Kolar
- Otto Kolar
- Bill Komenich
- Milo Komenich
- Howie Komives
- Jon Koncak
- John Konchar
- Tom Kondla
- Bud Koper
- Joe Kopicki
- Furkan Korkmaz
- Frank Kornet
- Luke Kornet
- Jaroslav Koroljov
- Hal Korovin
- Kyle Korver
- Tony Koski
- Len Kosmalski
- Andy Kostecka
- Harold Kottman
- John Kotz
- Tom Kozelko
- Ronald Kozlicki
- Vic Krafft
- Arvid Kramer
- Barry Kramer
- Bob Kramer
- Joel Kramer
- Steve Kramer
- Dan Kraus
- Herb Krautblatt
- Vjačeslav Kravcov
- Jim Krebs
- Wayne Kreklow
- Tommy Kron
- Tom Kropp
- Nenad Krstić
- Joe Kruse
- Larry Krystkowiak
- Ray Krzoska
- Steve Kuberski
- Leo Kubiak
- Vito Kubilus
- Les Kuplic
- Bruce Kuczenski
- Frank Kudelka
- John Kuester
- Kosta Kufos
- Ray Kuka
- Toni Kukoč
- Kevin Kunnert
- Terry Kunze
- Mitch Kupchak
- C. J. Kupec
- Rodions Kurucs
- Rob Kurz
- Ibrahim Kutluay
- Kyle Kuzma
- Ognjen Kuzmić
- Mindaugas Kuzminskas
- Ed Kweller
uredi- NBA & ABA Players with Last Names Starting with K @
- NBL Players with Last Names Starting with K @