Lerner i Loewe
Lerner i Loewe (engleski: Lerner and Loewe) su tandem pisaca mjuzikala koga su činili američki kompozitor Frederick Loewe i libretist Alan Jay Lerner, poznati po nizu velikih brodvejskih hitova sredinom 20. vijeka. Lerner i Loewe su se godine 1942. slučajno upoznali u njujorškom Lambs Clubu i započeli suradnju koja će potrajati tri decenije.
Kazališna djela
uredi- Life of the Party 1942
- What's Up? 1943
- The Day Before Spring 1945
- Brigadoon 1947
- Paint Your Wagon 1951
- My Fair Lady 1956
- Camelot 1960
- Gigi 1973 - kazališna verzija temeljena na filmu
Filmovi i filmske adaptacije
uredi- Brigadoon 1954
- Gigi 1958
- My Fair Lady 1964
- Camelot 1967
- Paint Your Wagon 1969
- The Little Prince 1974
uredi- Lees, Gene (2005, originally published 1991). The Musical Worlds of Lerner and Loewe. University of Nebraska Press (bisonbooks.com), ISBN 0-8032-8040-8
- Green, Benny, Editor (1987). A Hymn to Him : The Lyrics of Alan Jay Lerner. Hal Leonard Corporation. ISBN 0-87910-109-1
- Lerner, Alan Jay (1985). The Street Where I Live. Da Capo Press. ISBN 0-306-80602-9
- Green, Benny. "Frederick Loewe, a prince of musical comedy", The Guardian, February 16, 1988, p. 33