John Wyndham
John Wyndham (10.7., 1903 – 11.3. 1969) bio je književni pseudonim koga je često koristio britanski pisac post-apokaliptičnog podžanra naučne fantastike John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris.
U svojim ranijim djelima, Wyndham je često koristio kombinacije svojih imena, kao John Beynon ili Lucas Parkes. Za jednu od svojih knjiga, The Outward Urge, koristio je oba imena "John Wyndham" i "Lucas Parkes", pretvarajući se da je dva različita autora.
uredi- Foul Play Suspected (1935)
- The Secret People (1935)
- Planet Plane (isto tako poznat kao Stowaway to Mars, 1936)
- The Day of the Triffids (poznat i kao Revolt of the Triffids, 1951)
- The Kraken Wakes (poznat kao Out of the Deeps, 1953)
- The Chrysalids (poznat kao Re-Birth, 1955)
- The Midwich Cuckoos (1957)
- The Outward Urge (1959)
- Trouble with Lichen (1960)
- Chocky (1968, godine 1985. adaptiran u ITV-ovu televizijsku mini-seriju za djecu)
Posthumni roman
uredi- Web (1979 – izdali staratelji njegove zaklade)
uredi- Jizzle (1954)
- The Seeds of Time (1956)
- Tales of Gooseflesh and Laughter (1956)
- Consider Her Ways and Others (1961)
- The Infinite Moment (1961)
Posthumne zbirke
uredi- Sleepers of Mars (1973)
- The Best of John Wyndham (1973)
- Wanderers of Time (1973)
- Exiles on Asperus (1979)
- No Place like Earth (2003)
Vanjske veze
uredi- The John Wyndham Archive Arhivirano 2015-12-02 na Wayback Machine-u – Official Archive at the University of Liverpool
- Guardian article on John Wyndham
- "Vivisection": Schoolboy "John Wyndham's" First Publication?
- Read "Consider her Ways"[mrtav link] online.
- Archive BBC TV interview of John Wyndham in 1960 Requires Realplayer
- John Wyndham na Internet Speculative Fiction Database
- John Wyndham Arhivirano 2006-02-25 na Wayback Machine-u bibliography of first editions