Historija Irske (800–1169)

Historija Irske
serija članaka
Rana historija
Rana kršćanska Irska
Rani srednji vijek i vikinška era
Normanska Irska
Rana moderna Irska 1536–1691
Irska 1691–1801
Unija s Velikom Britanijom
Historija Republike
Historija Sjeverne Irske
Ekonomska historija

Historija Irske od 800. do 1169. godine predstavlja period koji je započeo prvim vikinškim napadima na obale Irske, a završio invazijom normanskih vitezova. 9. i 10. vijek su Irskoj su karakterizirali sve učestaliji vikinški napadi, ali i postepeno stvaranje nordijskijh naselja od kojih će nastati Dublin, Wexford, Waterford, Cork i Limerick - prva naselja gradskog tipa u Irskoj.

Irska se u to vrijeme sastojala od brojnih malih kraljevstava, plemena i sličnih političkih entiteta (túatha), mada su postojali brojni pokušaji da se cijelom otoku nametne vlast jednog vladara ili klana. U prva dva vijeka tog perioda se to odražavalo kroz borbu za mjesto velikog kralja Irske, gdje su se izmjenjivali pripadnici zavađenog sjevernog i južnog ogranka klana Uí Néill. Ta je funkcija, međutim, često bila ceremonijalne prirode - vladar najbliži tome da postane de facto kralj ujedinjene Irske bio je Brian Boru, prvi veliki kralj koji nije pripadao klanu Uí Néill.

Brianova smrt u bitci kod Clontarfa 1014. je vratila Irsku natrag u stanje borbe klanova za vlast, koja je samo postala još složenijom. Brianovi nasljednici nisu uspjeli nametnuti niti održati svoj autoritet, a stalne razmirice irskih klanova su s vremenom privukle pažnju normanskih feudalaca iz susjedne Engleske željnih novih zemalja. To je dovelo do invazije koju su 1169. vodili Normani na čelu s Richardom de Clareom.


  • Breatnach, Caoimhín (2005). „Historical tales”. u: Seán Duffy. Medieval Ireland. An Encyclopedia. Abingdon and New York. pp. 221–222. 
  • Byrne, Francis John (2005), „Church and politics, c.750-c.1100”, Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí, Prehistoric and Early Ireland, A New History of Ireland, I, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 654–679, ISBN 978-0-19-922665-8 
  • Byrne, Francis John (2005), „The Viking Age”, Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí, Prehistoric and Early Ireland, A New History of Ireland, I, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 609–634, ISBN 0-19-922665-2 
  • Byrne, Francis John (2005), „Ireland and her neighbours, c.1014-c.1072”, Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí, Prehistoric and Early Ireland, A New History of Ireland, I, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 862–898, ISBN 0-19-922665-2 
  • Downham, Clare (2007), Viking Kings of Britain and Ireland: The Dynasty of Ívarr to A.D. 1014, Edinburgh: Dunedin, ISBN 978-1-903765-89-0 
  • Duffy, Seán (1992). „Irishmen and Islesmen in the Kingdom of Dublin and Man 1052-1171”. Ériu (43): 93–133. JSTOR 30007421. 
  • Duffy, Sean (2009), „Ireland, c.1000–c.1100”, Stafford, Pauline, A Companion to the Early Middle Ages: Britain and Ireland, c.500–c.1100, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 285–302, ISBN 978-1-4051-0628-3 
  • Flanagan, Marie Therese (2005), „High-kings with opposition, 1072-1166”, Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí, Prehistoric and Early Ireland, A New History of Ireland, I, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 899–933, ISBN 0-19-922665-2 
  • Hadley, Dawn (2009), „Viking Raids and Conquest”, Stafford, Pauline, A Companion to the Early Middle Ages: Britain and Ireland, c.500–c.1100, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 195–211, ISBN 978-1-4051-0628-3 
  • Holland, Martin (2005). „Cashel, synod of I (1101)”. u: Seán Duffy. Medieval Ireland. An Encyclopedia. Abingdon and New York. pp. 65–66. 
  • Holland, Martin (2005). „Cashel, synod of II (1172)”. u: Seán Duffy. Medieval Ireland. An Encyclopedia. Abingdon and New York. pp. 66–67. 
  • Holland, Martin (2005). „Church reform, Twelfth century”. u: Seán Duffy. Medieval Ireland. An Encyclopedia. Abingdon and New York. pp. 83–86. 
  • Holland, Martin (2005). „Gille (Gilbert) of Limerick”. u: Seán Duffy. Medieval Ireland. An Encyclopedia. Abingdon and New York. pp. 198–199. 
  • Holland, Martin (2005). „Kells, synod of”. u: Seán Duffy. Medieval Ireland. An Encyclopedia. Abingdon and New York. pp. 247–249. 
  • Hughes, Kathleen (2005), „The Irish Church, 800–c.1050”, Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí, Prehistoric and Early Ireland, A New History of Ireland, I, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 635–679, ISBN 0-19-922665-2 
  • Hughes, Kathleen (1972), Early Christian Ireland. Introduction to the sources, London and Ithaca NY, pp. 99–159 
  • Jaski, Bart (2005). „Brian Boru (926[?]–1014)”. u: Seán Duffy. Medieval Ireland. An Encyclopedia. Abingdon and New York. pp. 45–47. 
  • Jaski, Bart (2005). „Kings and kingship”. u: Seán Duffy. Medieval Ireland. An Encyclopedia. Abingdon and New York. pp. 251–254. 
  • McNeill, T.E. (2005). „Archaeology”. u: Seán Duffy. Medieval Ireland. An Encyclopedia. Abingdon and New York. pp. 24–26. 
  • Ó Corráin, Donnchadh (1978), „Nationality and Kingship in Pre-Norman Ireland”, T.W. Moody, Historical Studies XI: Nationality and the pursuit of national independence, papers read before the Conference held at Trinity College, Dublin, 26–31 May 1975, Belfast: Appletree Press, pristupljeno 19 March 2010 
  • Ó Corráin, Donnchadh (2001), „The Vikings in Ireland”, Larsen, Anne-Christine, The Vikings in Ireland, Roskilde: The Viking Ship Museum, pp. 17–29, ISBN 0-19-922665-2 
  • Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí (2005), „Ireland 400–800”, Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí, Prehistoric and Early Ireland, A New History of Ireland, I, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 182–234, ISBN 0-19-922665-8 
  • Wallace, Patrick F. (2005), „The archaeology of ireland's Viking-age towns”, Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí, Prehistoric and Early Ireland, A New History of Ireland, I, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 814–841, ISBN 0-19-922665-8 
  • Woolf, Alex (2007), From Pictland to Alba, 789–1070, The New Edinburgh History of Scotland, 2, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, ISBN 978-0-7486-1234-5