C. S. Forester je bio pseudonim koji je koristio britanski književnik, čije je pravo ime bilo Cecil Louis Troughton Smith (27. august 1899 - 2. april 1966), a koji je najpoznatiji po popularnim historijsko -pustolovnim romanima temom najčešće vezanim uz pomorsko ratovanje . Među njima se najviše ističe serija o Horatiju Hornbloweru , koja je kasnije uticala na brojne pisce, kako historijskog, tako i science fiction žanra. Neki od Foresterovih romana su poslužili i kao predložak za poznate hollywoodske filmove, među kojima se posebno ističe The African Queen (Afrička kraljica).
Djela čiji je autor Forester
1924 The Paid Piper . Methuen.
1924 Napoleon and his Court . Methuen.
1924 A Pawn among Kings . Methuen .
1925 Josephine , Napoleon ’s Empress . Methuen.
1926 Payment Deferred . Methuen.
1927 Love Lies Dreaming . John Lane .
1927 The Wonderful Week . John Lane.
1927 Victor Emmanuel II and the Union of Italy . Methuen.
1928 The Shadow of the Hawk . John Lane.
1928 Louis XIV , King of France and Navarre . Methuen.
1929 Brown on Resolution . John Lane.
1929 Nelson . John Lane.
1929 The Voyage of the Annie Marble . John Lane.
1930 Plain Murder . John Lane.
1930 The Annie Marble in Germany . John Lane.
1931 Two-and-Twenty . John Lane.
1931 U 97, a Play in 3 Acts . John Lane.
1932 Death to the French . John Lane. U SAD izdan kao Rifleman Dodd . Little Brown .
1933 The Gun . John Lane.
1933 Nurse Cavell . (drama u tri čina, ko-autor: C. E. Bechhofer Roberts ) John Lane.
1934 The Peacemaker . Heinemann .
1935 The African Queen . Heinemann.
1936 The General . Michael Joseph .
1936 Marionettes at Home . Michael Joseph.
1937 The Happy Return . Michael Joseph. U SAD izdan kao Beat to Quarters
1938 A Ship of the Line . Michael Joseph.
1938 Flying Colours . Michael Joseph.
1940 The Earthly Paradise . Michael Joseph.
1941 The Captain from Connecticut . Michael Joseph.
1942 Poo-Poo and the Dragons . Michael Joseph.
1943 The Ship . Michael Joseph.
1943 The Barbary Pirates . Lyonsmith
1944 The Bedchamber Mystery . Pridodane priče The Eleven Deckchairs i Modernity and Maternity . S. J. Reginald Saunders. U SAD objavljen kao Three Matronly Mysteries . eNet Press.
1945 The Commodore . Michael Joseph. U SAD objavljen kao Commodore Hornblower
1946 Lord Hornblower . Michael Joseph.
1948 The Sky and the Forest . Michael Joseph.
1950 Mr. Midshipman Hornblower . Michael Joseph.
1950 Randall and the River of Time . Michael Joseph.
1952 Lieutenant Hornblower . Michael Joseph.
1953 Hornblower and the Atropos . Michael Joseph.
1953 The Adventures of John Wetherell . Doubleday & Company , Inc.
1954 The Nightmare . Michael Joseph.
1955 The Good Shepherd . Michael Joseph.
1957 The Naval War of 1812 . Michael Joseph. U SAD objavljen kao The Age of Fighting Sail
1958 Hornblower in the West Indies . Michael Joseph. U SAD objavljen kao Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies
1959 Hunting the Bismarck . Michael Joseph. U SAD objavljen kao The Last Nine Days of the Bismark
1962 Hornblower and the Hotspur . Michael Joseph.
1964 The Young Hornblower . (kompilacija knjiga 1, 2 & 3). Michael Joseph.
1964 The Hornblower Companion . Michael Joseph.
1965 Captain Hornblower (kompilacija knjiga 5, 6 & 7). Michael Joseph.
1967 Hornblower and the Crisis , an unfinished novel . Michael Joseph. u SAD izdan kao Hornblower During the Crisis
1967 Long before Forty . Michael Joseph.
1968 Admiral Hornblower (a compilation of books 8, 9, 10 & 11). Michael Joseph.
1969 The Man in the Yellow Raft . Michael Joseph.
1971 Gold from Crete . Michael Joseph.
2011 Hornblower Addendum - Five Short Stories (originalno objavljeni u časopisima)
2011 The Pursued (izgubljeni orman, otkriven 2003) Penguin Classics .