Anthony Powell
Anthony Dymoke Powell, CH, CBE (21.12. 1905–28.3. 2000.) bio je engleski romanoopisac najpoznatiji po svom djelu u 12 tomova pod nazivom A Dance to the Music of Time, a koje je objavljeno između 1951. i 1975. Prema vlastitim memoarima prezime Powell se fonteski izgovaralo kao Pol.

Powella su pisci kao Evelyn Waugh i Kingsley Amis smatrali kao jednim od najvećih engleskih književnika 20. stoljeća, kao i svojevrsnim engleskim ekvivalentom Marcela Prousta[1]. Powellovo djelo se dan-danas štampa, a često se adaptira za radio i TV-drame.
urediA Dance to the Music of Time, ciklus od dvanaest romana izdanih između 1951. i 1975. godine, a koji se sastoji od:
- A Question of Upbringing (1951)
- A Buyer's Market (1952)
- The Acceptance World (1955)
- At Lady Molly's (1957)
- Casanova's Chinese Restaurant (1960)
- The Kindly Ones (1962)
- The Valley of Bones (1964)
- The Soldier's Art (1966)
- The Military Philosophers (1968)
- Books Do Furnish a Room (1971)
- Temporary Kings (1973)
- Hearing Secret Harmonies (1975)
Djelomična bibliografija od ostalih romana, drama i djela:
- The Barnard Letters (1928)
- Afternoon Men (1931)
- Venusberg (1932)
- From a View to a Death (1933)
- "The Watr'y Glade", u The Old School: Essays by Divers Hands, ur. Graham Greene (1934)
- Agents and Patients (1936)
- What's Become of Waring (1939)
- John Aubrey and His Friends (1948)
- Two Plays: The Garden God, The Rest I'll Whistle (1971)
- O, How the Wheel Becomes It! (1983)
- The Fisher King (1986). (Istoimeni film nema nikakve veze s Powellovim romanom).
To Keep the Ball Rolling: Memoirs of Anthony Powell
- vol. 1, Infants of the Spring (1976)
- vol. 2, Messengers of Day (1978)
- vol. 3, Faces in My Time (1980)
- vol. 4, The Strangers All are Gone (1982)
Jednotomna skraćena knjiga memoara, jednostavno nazvana To Keep the Ball Rolling, je izdana 1983.
uredi- Barber, Michael. Anthony Powell: A Life, Duckworth Overlook, 2004. ISBN 0-7156-3049-0
- Nicholas Birns. Understanding Anthony Powell, University of South Carolina Press, 2004. ISBN 1-57003-549-0
- Powell, Anthony. To Keep the Ball Rolling: Memoirs of Anthony Powell (1976-1982)
- Tucker, James. The Novels of Anthony Powell, Columbia University Press, 1976. ISBN 0-231-04150-0